Synonym: actinotherapy, irradiation, radiation sickness, radiation syndrome, radiation therapy, radioactivity, radiotherapy. Similar words: tradition, traditional, traditionally, variation, graduation, negotiation, association, appreciation. Meaning: [‚reɪdɪ'eɪʃn] n. 1. energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles 2. the act of spreading outward from a central source 3. syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive chemicals or to nuclear explosions); low doses cause diarrhea and nausea and vomiting and sometimes loss of hair; greater exposure can cause sterility and cataracts and some forms of cancer and other diseases; severe exposure can cause death within hours 4. the spontaneous emission of a stream of particles or electromagnetic rays in nuclear decay 5. the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats 6. a radial arrangement of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain 7. (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance.
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61. Radiation can make it less effective.
62. Were the limits set on their radiation exposure acceptable?
63. It emitted less than a tenth as much radiation.
64. Wild mushrooms continue to be heavily contaminated by radiation.
65. Harwell keeps detailed information on radiation exposure.
66. Added radiation exposure poses little danger, he wrote.
67. The 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl spread radiation worldwide.
68. In his own private laboratory, he worked with ultraviolet radiation at the ultimate resolution of the optical microscope.
69. The isotopes are measured by counting their alpha emissions; each isotope emits alpha radiation of a characteristic frequency.
70. The influx of energy would help explain the microwave background radiation.
71. The application of nuclear and radiation physics sees a steady increase in the number of titles.
72. But the Supreme Court decided that only questions of safety or public exposure to radiation are within the federal government's domain.
73. The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
74. The lid should be metal or plastic with a metal lining to reflect radiation back into the computer.
75. Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.
76. Infrared cooling of the surface is also inhibited, but heat radiation is less affected by dust than visible light.
77. Three thousand factories and defense facilities are contaminated by radiation.
78. Conventional double-glazing cuts heat loss by conduction, but can not prevent loss by radiation.
79. Every atom seeks equilibrium at the lowest energy level,(Sentence dictionary) giving off surplus energy as radiation.
80. Among other vegetation, coniferous and beech trees appeared most seriously affected by increased radiation.
81. No animal or plant can withstand ultraviolet radiation in more than modest amounts.
82. No-one knows how the radiation will have damaged the reproductive organs of the children who receive continual doses.
83. The accident, which occurred on August 13, did not involve the release of radiation or damage to the reactor core.
84. From Titron had come the first man who could withstand radiation, be it from a bomb, or in deep space.
85. When minerals such as quartz and feldspars have received a radiation dose and are then heated, they emit light.
86. Radiation readings are taken every hour at each station and are transmitted to a central computer which analyses the data.
87. The conventional treatment for large tumours, deep within the body, is to bombard them with powerful doses of gamma radiation.
88. Gene mutations occur spontaneously and can be induced by mutagenic agents such has high temperature, mustard gas, and radiation.
89. Main outcome measures - Parents' employment by the nuclear industry and exposure to ionising radiation at work.
90. If I angered Kosinski, he might eliminate me, the way that Tarden cleverly exposed Veronika to radiation without her knowledge.
More similar words: tradition, traditional, traditionally, variation, graduation, negotiation, association, appreciation, renunciation, nation, equation, formation, operation, national, relation, location, education, donation, zonation, isolation, summation, sensation, violation, allegation, situation, inflation, migration, educational, revelation, evaluation.