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Porn in a sentence

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Sentence count:88Posted:2016-09-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: borncornhornscornsubornborn ofmorningattorneyMeaning: [pɔrn /pɔːn]  n. creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire. 
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1. No self-respecting actor would appear in a porn movie.
2. The theater shows mainly kung fu movies and porn.
3. Even more alarming is the increase in child porn sites on the Internet.
4. Are you telling me the porn actually sedated you?
5. Hackers catch out porn surfers.
6. Watching all this porn is making me horny!
7. Internet Porn Addictive Behavior is not easy to analyze.
8. You're Summer Solstice, the porn star.
9. Hong Kong allows porn: the recently released Sex and Zen, the world's first commercially successful 3-D skin flick, has received a healthy box office boost from mainland tourists.
10. So porn studios face fat legal costs even as their revenues are falling.
11. The magazine, which critics have described as middle-class porn, re-launches with its 100th issue this month,[] and includes an article on Japan's "Festival of the Steel Penis."
12. I already explained how kink lead me to porn, and now that I'm here, I have to say that pornography and my exhibitionist sexuality influence my feminism.
13. Having started watching porn out of curiosity when it became available over the internet in her mid-teens, she and her mates used it as a graphic form of sex education.
14. During the making of a porn film, one of the girls - blonde with a black velvet neckband - goes through all the various acts without a change of expression.
15. Anna Arrowsmith, a former porn director, has been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, the UK's 3rd largest political party, the Guardian reported Saturday.
16. Here's another example: Maybe when you watch porn you really like the reverse cowgirl position (girl on top facing away from the guy).
17. To fuck a porn star in a cheap motel room?
18. Why can't you just download porn like other teenage boys?
19. Until hipster porn: Also called alt porn, it's a genre of pornography that is mostly pictures on websites but also includes actual pornographic videos.
20. This year will be no different as porn starlets, professional woodsmen, and hairy-chested, gold chain-wearing porn directors convene in the city of sin for the 2011 AVN Awards Show on January 8th.
21. Some of those photos they show in tabloid newspapers are nothing but porn.
22. When you look at the "experts" using pop science and simplistic reductionist explanations to prove porn is evil[], they are overwhelmingly Christian.
23. The Southern Weekend newspaper has mocked the software for blocking Garfield cartoons but allowing dark-skinned porn.
24. Also, please do not send me any garbage about cybersex , internet sex or porn.
25. Deutsche Bank has banned staff from putting hotel television porn channels on their company credit card.
26. Recent research suggests that about 17% of individuals who view porn on the Internet meet criteria for sexual compulsivity.
27. Big-screen, high-definition televisions displayed impossibly large breasts and bareback bear porn on four walls around me, 10 hours every day. None of it made me feel any way or another.
28. Because then we would be the guys who turned off free porn.
29. It wasn't surprising to hear guys discussing their jerk-off habits or what kinds of porn they liked to watch.
30. The term "deep throat" comes from a classic 1972 porn that stars Linda Lovelace.
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