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Petrochemical in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+1Posted:2017-04-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: biogeochemical cyclechemicalchemical energyrapprochementphotochemistrypolemicalacademicallyeuphemisticallyMeaning: ['petrəʊ'kemɪkl]  n. any compound obtained from petroleum or natural gas. 
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(31) Liquid foundation mostly contains mineral oil, which is considered as a petrochemical pollutant.
(32) Dalian Petrochemical Company has investigated and evaluated the contaminated area in their refinery by using the standardization method.
(33) MA Pei - sheng . Fundmental Data Book of Petrochemical Engineering [ M ]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 1993.
(34) Many countries think, castor-oil plant is the crop that can grow continuously, it is the replace person with the uses less more petrochemical indispensable raw material with limited reserves.
(35) Quantitative estimation of inorganization discharge from tanks was important content during the pollution auditing in petrochemical industry.
(36) CE-011,( the commercial product of RFS SO_x transfer promotor manufactured by Catalyst Complex of Qilu Petrochemical Corporation was commercially used in Qingdao Petrochemical Plant.
(37) Weak corrosively medium for petrochemical production such as waterammoniaoil hydrocarbon products and etc.
(38) The south crude distillation unit in Liaohe Petrochemical Company mainly processes high-acid-value, corrosive and low-freezing-point naphthenic crude oils after revamping.
(39) However, some profit-making chances will be lost because cost of each product is hardly calculated due to petrochemical enterprise plant structure and production feature.
(40) Purification process of propane distillate oil, the bottom product of propylene rectifying column in the Ethylene Works of PetroChina Liaoyang Petrochemical Company, is introduced.
(41) If a petrochemical feedstock manufacturer needs petroleum products for a trial run.
(42) Paraxylene is a petrochemical used to make purified terephthalic acid, a raw material for producing polyester film, packaging resin and fabrics.
(43) The fundamental implementation procedure of petrochemical engineering project normally is divided into 8 phases.
(44) Plate air preheater with corrugated plate as heat transferring elements, has solved problems above, which has been applied in petrochemical and chemical fertilizer unit.
(45) Oil sludge is produced in the process of raw oil dehydrating in oil field corporations and oily sewage disposal in the petrochemical industry factories.
(46) Biodiesel catches many countries' eye on its renewability, environmental protection and substitutability of petrochemical diesel, and becomes the most popular petrochemical diesel substitute.
(47) G - type three - pump is mainly used in oil transportation, hydraulic engineering, marine engineering, petrochemical and other industries.
(47) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(48) The convenient unweave type inline chemical pumps are the patent products for petrochemical process.
(49) Hydroformylation of higher olefins is a very important process in the field of petrochemical industry.
(50) An integration technology of solvent extraction succeeded by hydrocracking for processing coker gatch was developed by Refining Research Institute of Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Company.
(51) Hydrogen is an important feedstock used in petrochemical enterprises ? ? hydrogenation process.
(52) The design principle, total process flow, layout and main features of process units of the revamp project for sour crude processing in Shanghai Petrochemical Co. , Ltd. are expounded.
(53) Puyang City, Henan Province Road, the western part of the petrochemical boiler pressure vessel inspection by the North Building homes one unit ...
(54) The Lujiang meteorite, a chondrite whose petrochemical type is LL6, contains the following opaque minerals: kamacite, taenite, disordered taenite, troilite, chromite, hematite, ilmenite.
(55) RFS-C SOx transfer promoter, developed by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, was successfully manufactured in the Catalyst Plant of Changling Petrochemical Company.
(56) Finally, taking China Petrochemical Pipeline Company as an example, its enterprise culture and enterprise safety culture are expounded, and core ideas of enterprise safety are explained in philosophy.
(57) The causes of fouling of high pressure air cooler of hydrocracker in Jinlin Petrochemical Company, s refinery were analyzed. The analysis showed that the fouling was formed from polycyclic aromatics.
(58) In petrochemical process, there are many important indicator variables that cannot be measured on-line. Such as purity, dry point of distillation product and distillation tray efficiency, etc.
(59) Corundum brick and chrome - corundum brick are the key refractories for gasifier and furnace in petrochemical industry.
(60) Fuji Innovations of Instrument Technology For Petrochemical Oil & Gas Industries .
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