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Parochial in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: insularSimilar words: microchippsychiatristmachiavellianparoleparoxysmpartialpartiallyimpartialMeaning: [pə'rəʊkɪəl]  adj. 1. relating to or supported by or located in a parish 2. narrowly restricted in outlook or scope. 
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1. He is rather too parochial in his outlook.
2. Local newspapers tend to be very parochial.
3. Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.
4. They need to be better informed and less parochial in their thinking.
5. The parochial expects nothing from the political system.
6. Our threefold classification of participant, subject, and parochial is only the beginning of a classification of political cultures.
7. There are also private parochial schools that provide a more rigorous curriculum.
8. Nevertheless, these affective and evaluative parochial and subject patterns have cognitive consequences.
9. Professionals and Amateurs About one-fifth of parochial directors of music earn their livelihood through music.
10. These orientations may combine with subject and parochial orientations, or they may conflict.
11. A parochial orientation also implies the comparative absence of expectations of change initiated by the political system.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. The parochial is concerned exclusively with individual problems arising in the ward he or she represents.
13. And many parochial clergy react by resenting and despising the chapter.
14. But that betrays a terribly parochial notion of what giant planets are like.
15. In the five democracies we study, the parochial and subject orientations tend to rest primarily upon affective and evaluative tendencies.
16. Their concerns now became far more parochial and ethnic, and party considerations undoubtedly began to play a greater part.
17. Although it's just the local paper, it somehow manages not to be too parochial in its outlook.
18. Once more the world was treated as a convenience wrapping for Labour's parochial and predominantly internal preoccupations.
19. More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.
20. Similarly, the participant culture does not supplant the subject and parochial patterns of orientation.
21. It had as many Catholic schools as public schools, and the enrollment at the parochial schools was bigger.
22. In other words, it has been incorporated within the parochial confines of party-political polemic.
23. Predictably, the international media circus, with its Olympian disdain for the parochial, has long since moved on.
24. From such a perspective local government is seen as parochial, concerned with inequalities and differences between localities.
25. The participant culture is an additional stratum that may be added to and combined with the subject and parochial cultures.
26. The Church - she had had more than enough of Brickley parochial Catholicism.
27. Noise as anti-pop gesture: With the death of the parochial, the media now constitutes our new environment.
28. What is the process by which local loyalties and parochial orientations give way to wider concerns?
29. In California, the telecast is delivered to 180 public, private and parochial schools.
30. He has consistently opposed school choice programs that would permit public funding of parochial schools.
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