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Mutually in a sentence

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Sentence count:258+5Posted:2017-04-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: reciprocallySimilar words: mutualmutualismactuallyvirtuallyeventuallyperpetuallyineffectuallyintellectuallyMeaning: ['mjuːtjʊəlɪ]  adv. in a mutual or shared manner. 
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181. Cultural and social vicissitude and the development of local community affect and contact mutually.
182. Blending of the company culture and this private culture run-through, two red and blue semicircles hand over the formation"B" a representative Peking mutually.
183. It is indicated in research that the five sub-systems are supplemental and complemental mutually, none of them should be lacked.
184. Right to muteness and "leniency to those who confess their crimes" will not be mutually exclusive.
185. It transforms a set of mixed,[] random signals into components that are mutually independent.
186. Based on the study of self pumped phase conjugation (SPPC) and mutually pumped phase conjugation (MPPC) coexistence, a new photorefractive adaptive optical heterodyne detection system is proposed.
187. Mainly a firmer commitment to pay its debts, probably through some form of mutually guaranteed bond, and much tighter coordination of budgetary and broader economic policy.
188. Focusing on lucubration of medical society, mutually developing with various medical organizations!
189. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us.
190. We should develop a pattern of mutually beneficial and win - win cooperation.
191. The commercial interchange and the physical distribution restrict mutually, depend on each other mutually constitute a circulation of commodities organic whole together.
192. Different nouns take different phrases of classifiers. Andthe mutually complemental semantic conditioning manifests new significance and glamour.
193. The government wished to promote regional interests through mutually beneficial relations with the outside world.
194. The cross beams of the adjacent supports form an integrated rigid beam through a connecting device, and the top beams of the adjacent supports are mutually connected by a sliding block.
195. Yes, I also hope we do business on mutually beneficial basis.
196. The structure is constructed in the objectification of subject, and in the course of innovation around its goal. The parts of structure are mutually related in evolution.
197. For Jung, dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive, but complimentary aspects of reality.
198. But there is a big difference between mutually beneficial economic relationships, involving large numbers of individual companies, and marriage, even a marriage of convenience.
199. The metallographic organizations of the original blank, the cup-shaped blank and the inner gear spun workpiece have been analyzed and compared mutually.
200. This notion of run-time scope as a strict set of mutually referable classes is captured in JPA 1.0 as a persistence unit.
201. Accountancy's treatment of the immaterial assets that establishment and knowledge - based economy mutually adapt.
202. Valued policy has strong selling and buying character and its subject matter faces market risk and loss risk, its value depends on both of which mutually.
203. Language is mutually infiltrated and influenced , therefore , black English has a great English, especially in vocabulary.
204. In this process of dissolution, the monadically closed-off subjectivity of self-assertive and mutually objectifying individuals is dispossessed and cast down into the abyss.
205. We considered that if we mutually present the haptic sensation to each mouth, we can convey the expression of emotion, deepen their relationship.
206. First high peak and Yan are matchless to mutually see a to smile, also the Zong horse leaves and leaves a sky in breeze to have to jolt head wry laugh over there.
207. The Chinese business circles have taken a positive attitude towards mutually beneficial cooperation with the Nigerian side, thus bilateral economic and trade prospects are bright.
208. With the aid of a plane and a center for the datum plane. (3) to two mutually perpendicular plane as a benchmark.
209. As for - U.S. trade, mutually beneficial and - win economic ties have delivered tangible economic benefits to both countries.
210. When a particle and its antiparticle meet they can mutually annihilate and produce energy.
More similar words: mutualmutualismactuallyvirtuallyeventuallyperpetuallyineffectuallyintellectuallyactualritualvirtualeventualpunctualhabitualperpetualspiritualcontextualconceptualpunctualityritualisticineffectualintellectualspiritualityconceptualiseequallyusuallycasuallysexuallyvisuallyannually
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