Synonym: accomplishable, achievable, doable, realizable. Similar words: manage, managed, manager, management, changeable, unchangeable, managing, be able to. Meaning: ['mænɪdʒəbl] adj. 1. capable of being managed or controlled 2. capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do.
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31. Russell Keys was, by all accounts, a clever, amusing man with manageable mental problems.
32. To do so she needed to scale down the orchestration to manageable size, and find a new and readily available cast.
33. Work with a group large enough to represent all the various essential interests yet small enough to still be manageable.
34. An effective and systematic attempt at forecasting may reduce some of this uncertainty, and render the future more manageable.
35. The club proposes to stick at around 50 members who represent a manageable size.
36. Since then, Clinton has opted for limited but manageable steps toward carefully targeted goals.
37. If the patient can only use one hand, food should be prepared ready to eat, cut into manageable pieces.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38. You wake up early, your desire sated, your hormones at manageable levels.
39. So we've combined them in a shampoo that makes dry hair lustrous and more manageable.
40. Distributed Relational Database Architecture also makes information access, data modification and application development more manageable, the company claims.
41. Unlike the preceding species this plant is much more manageable as it is less vigorous.
42. It had a nice smell and my hair felt very silky and manageable after I'd rinsed it.
43. Indeed, it was found to be difficult sometimes to keep down the number of journals to a manageable size.
44. Therefore, on any given project, a manageable chunk will be completed to secure enough cash for wages.
45. Add sufficient extra flour to make the dough manageable, then knead it thoroughly for about 10min, until smooth and shiny.
46. Serums are another good styling aid, helping to make frizzy hair smooth and more manageable.
47. The grade was manageable in the lowest of 18 gears, but it was like riding an exercise cycle in a sauna.
48. Three bedrooms, gas central heating, full sealed unit double glazing, garage, manageable gardens.
49. And so I divvied up the company into manageable pieces and told these executives to go play the game to the hilt.
50. He chooses instead to focus on a slightly more manageable milestone: the turn of the century.
51. She was able to help him share his anxiety about the risk of moving, and this made it more manageable.
52. Literacy seems to be a factor in keeping the family to a manageable size.
53. Ask each other what one manageable action you can perform which will bring the other happiness.
54. Geographic segments are also important in rendering manageable a worldwide export marketing activity.
55. But all these successes point to a deep hunger for experiences that are urban but still manageable.
56. It is not simply that Spiegelman reduces unimaginable statistics and intolerable realities to concrete and manageable proportions.
57. In addition, because so many colleges are involved, regional groups would be formed to allow for more manageable national negotiations.
58. And they realize the power of names to define subjectivity, reduce opposition to manageable levels, and induce paralysis.
59. It will enhance condition, too, adding shine and making hair more manageable.
60. Cowan makes a number of approximations in order to make his theory manageable.
More similar words: manage, managed, manager, management, changeable, unchangeable, managing, be able to, sizeable, malleable, agreeable, noticeable, impermeable, disagreeable, pageant, teenage, teenager, patronage, espionage, menagerie, manacle, emanate, pax romana, able, cable, viable, table, unable, usable, enable.