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Manageable in a sentence

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Sentence count:130+3Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accomplishableachievabledoablerealizableSimilar words: managemanagedmanagermanagementchangeableunchangeablemanagingbe able toMeaning: ['mænɪdʒəbl]  adj. 1. capable of being managed or controlled 2. capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do. 
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61. The introduction of higher fees in 1956 did not solve the District's financial problems, only make them manageable.
62. There are five gentle shampoos and six nourishing conditioners which leave your hair soft, manageable and in peak condition.
63. To the extent that positivist criminology incorporates a realistic, manageable version of determinism, it becomes compatible with its classical predecessor.
64. Such legalisation would not magically dispense with the need for policemen, but it would make the needed policing more manageable.
65. The legislation ensures that people have a statutory right to pay the community charge in manageable instalments.
66. In charting development within the group two samples of boys have been used to reduce the task to manageable proportions.
67. The tide of immigrants is expected to have a direct but manageable impact on the United States.
68. This follows the traditional wisdom that a menu of about 4 to 13 items is most manageable by people.
69. However, as more libraries in more educational sectors become involved in user education,( this becomes less manageable.
70. In effect, the several inches of movement over the whole building were shared among the forty-odd floors to make it manageable.
71. Obviously, the smaller the identified population the more manageable such a proposal would be.
72. Most are still expecting strong performance of the broader markets, but at a more manageable pace.
73. For its first 900 years Cairo was a city of manageable proportions.
74. If Rohr had stopped there, its troubles would be more manageable today.
75. They enable us to break up the larger and more nebulous goals, into smaller, more manageable pieces.
76. Now you've narrowed the choice down to more manageable proportions, it's time for the specialist retailer and test fitting.
77. Again the problem is to winnow these down to manageable proportions.
78. Break a complex task down into more manageable chunks.
79. Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.
80. Ditching was a nasty but manageable maneuver.
81. These toxicities are manageable and require a team approach.
82. Objects, or product features[], offer a discrete and manageable environment.
83. The first stage is to split the crude oil into more manageable portions.
84. They break up the shoals into smaller, more manageable balls , and all the hunters benefit.
85. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Jeffrey Lacker said last week Europe's troubles were largely manageable for the United States at this point. But he added a word of warning.
86. It marks the beginning of a long-term plan to make JXTA peers more manageable and easier to administer.
87. Mr. Fox's condition was manageable through medication for many years, says Mr. Philippi, but after his arrival at Bear Stearns, new issues began to emerge.
88. The bearable or manageable marriages, in most cases, are just like this.
89. All-around new technologies are necessary to be used in the broadband network for its operable, manageable and value addable bearing of multi-play services.
90. Decentralized organization has become commonplace, aided by computer - augmented control systems that make diversity more manageable.
More similar words: managemanagedmanagermanagementchangeableunchangeablemanagingbe able tosizeablemalleableagreeablenoticeableimpermeabledisagreeablepageantteenageteenagerpatronageespionagemenageriemanacleemanatepax romanaablecableviabletableunableusableenable
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