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Mainstream in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+5Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: streamstruggle againstagainststreakinstructinstrumentinstructorconstraintMeaning: ['meɪnstrɪːm]  n. the prevailing current of thought. 
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151) Based on Shanghai metro M7 line project, the risk identification method is presented, taking dynamic risk identification process as the mainstream and static risk identification as a tool.
152) After the Harlem Renaissance, the black men writers' "protest literature" that are full of racial conflicts occupied mainstream, Hurston and her positive black women images were neglected.
153) Dealing with the mind-body problem, mainstream functionalists tried to keep to the stand of physicalism, while to be against reducing mental state to physical state.
154) Mr Biden once described Mr Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".
155) At the first phase, the mainstream economists studied "national wealth" from the point of "production", did with "nation" as non-production exogenous variable, and adopted qualitative approach.
156) Murphy was scheduled for several mainstream media television interviews after the CFTC hearings,[] but they were all abruptly cancelled at once.
157) The paper thesis discusses two types of mainstream P2P network models, and also proposes and improves their resource location schemes.
158) The mainstream of modern treatment of tibial plateau fracture is limited opening, direct or indirect reduction, and biological osteosynthesis.
159) It is that constructivism lays stress on constructiveness of knowledge learning and the initiative of cognitive subject that makes itself a mainstream theory in international educational reform.
160) Despite her enthusiasm "Lord of Misrule" failed to attract interest from a mainstream publisher. "It was like dropping it over a cliff," she said.
161) In the past several decades the model has made great progress. The cellular automaton model and multi-agent model which are based on dynamic model are the mainstream of current research.
162) Clerics from the broader ideological mainstream of Islam, where most Muslims put themselves, are condemning nihilist extremism with greater boldness.
163) The artificial intelligence technology that has moved furthest into the mainstream is computer understanding of what humans are saying.
164) Penny Marshall brought the story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League to mainstream audiences and made heroes out of the players depicted on the big screen.
165) Smaller studios have offered customization for years(, but more mainstream manufacturers such as Ethan Allen and Thomasville are offering an increasing amount of customization.
166) And unlike mainstream pugilism, fighters can win by not only knocking out their opponent, but also by catching them in checkmate.
167) Shanghai Baby is peopled with nimble-witted hedonists. From the point of view of traditional mainstream society, they are moral degenerates and self-serving rebels.
168) Therefore, in a modern market economy conditions, the non-price competition has gradually become the mainstream of marketing.
169) In the new period of reformation, a traditional sports of minority has accomplished the approaching to economic and emerged mainstream culture ulteriorly.
170) Advancing Sohu actively " mainstream media platform " chairman of Sohu trustee bureau holds presiding apparitor Zhang Chaoyang concurrently to be concealed none right " announcement " support.
171) While each of these technologies has matured, these solutions have not made significant strides towards integrating their container support into the mainstream Linux kernel.
172) At about the same time, Joseph Smith founded a new American religion—and soon met with the wrath of the mainstream Protestant majority.
More similar words: streamstruggle againstagainststreakinstructinstrumentinstructorconstraintinstructionfight againstinstructionalmaintaindomainmainlyremainscreamin the maindream ofdream upremainingin stepinstallmaintenancestretchstressstreettreatyinstantinstinctentreat
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