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Intensely in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+13Posted:2017-04-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intenseimmenselyintensityintensifyintensiveintensificationsenselesstenseMeaning: [ɪn'tenslɪ]  adv. in an intense manner. 
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61. But it went unheard by the intensely hostile and suspicious Orthodox hier archy.
62. The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
63. Now despite years of steady disarmament they're all talking about nuclear war again, and more intensely than ever before.
64. Nevertheless, as combat approached, the pilots became intensely alive in a way that Skull could always recognise but never understand.
65. SemperFidelis I found the roundtable on fidelity fascinating reading, but intensely depressing as well.
66. Intensely painted scenes depict the gruesome martyrdom of countless saints.
67. The reader is subjected to an intensely self-absorbed analysis of countless trivialities.
68. Nobody wants to die but a brush with death makes you feel more intensely alive than ever.
69. The pair are said to dislike each other intensely - only the lure of the big bucks they make keeps them together.
70. Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich, and channeled all his energy into his career.
71. I have cared about them intensely in my younger days.
72. Reverence for the countryside and Buddha, dignity and pride run deep in this intensely respectful country.
73. Take care to be gentle, since these ear infections are intensely irritating and painful.
74. He looked at her intensely and she looked down at her hands which she was dabbling in the water.
75. His eyes, meeting hers, were intensely blue and lively and she noticed the fine laughter lines on his face.
76. Each night, Brian kept his lonely vigil, doing homework and listening intensely to what was going on behind the door.
77. Ironically, the message of all this activity is that the market is intensely worried about Saatchi's prospects.
78. The boiling off of liquids, he noted, leaves an intensely, sometimes unpleasantly bitter residue.
79. But his concern for profit margins kept wage levels low and he was intensely suspicious of trade unionism.
80. Raw berries should be cooked and sweetened before being eaten because they have an intensely bitter flavour.
81. John-Francis worked intensely with the neglected until, suffering from exhaustion,[] he died at the age of thirty-three.
82. Even an only child feels that other children have some great advantages over him, and this makes him intensely jealous.
83. And it annoyed her intensely, not least of all because she still felt a long way from figuring him out!
84. Looking out over the sea I recall an earlier time when I had been briefly but intensely curious about matters mystical.
85. Movies are intensely marketed; in cyberspace, you gain an audience one person at a time.
86. He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. Oscar Wilde 
87. The style is massive, austere, finely proportioned and intensely durable.
88. The most intensely radioactive is high-level waste - typically a thousand times more potent than the intermediate level.
89. Generally, then, one would expect to find reciprocation in populations of highly social animals living in small intensely interactive groups.
90. I was intensely interested in journalism, and all the things around it, whether it was performing or actually playing records.
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