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Intensification in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2017-01-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ratificationgratificationspecificationnullificationjustificationcertificationqualificationclarificationMeaning: [ɪn‚tensɪfɪ'keɪʃn]  n. 1. action that makes something stronger or more extreme 2. the act of increasing the contrast of (a photographic film). 
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(1) This phase of religious intensification began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when church membership began to grow across all denominations.
(2) There is thus an intensification of the motion on a smaller scale; that is a transfer of energy to smaller eddies.
(3) That is just the intensification, the high point of an ongoing process.
(4) Intensification of cold allowed the arctic flora and fauna to spread southward; amelioration encouraged repossession of the borderlands by temperate species.
(5) The key role played by intensification is indicated by the sharp increase in manufacturing productivity achieved during the downturn.
(6) Intensification is a good thing, perhaps overdoing it, but it is a good thing.
(7) Intensification and specialization in agriculture, especially in the vineyards, gave rise to commercial exchange and opportunity for profit and saving.
(8) Accompanying the greater caring was an intensification of parental authority.
(9) This was followed by intervention, by an ... intensification of the class struggle, which assumed the form of civil war.
(10) With the intensification of international traffic, it is possible to discover new talent in any part of the world.
(11) The most terrifying intensification bursts into nothingness.
(12) Due to the intensification of IOB mode and its "capacitor" effect after 1970s[], the surface anti-cyclone circulation over Northwestern Pacific is enhanced.
(13) A sudden attack, recurrence , or intensification of a disease.
(14) The recent intensification in the Paris - Bonn relationship owes a good deal to our economic weakness.
(15) The banlieues are becoming "more isolated", and marked by an "intensification of Muslim identity" in reaction to unkept promises of integration.
(16) These contradictions and their intensification must inevitably result in the incessant growth of revolutionary movements.
(17) The intensification of the immunological response represents the body's natural defense.
(18) And the intensification of ammonium paratungstate crystal preparation with ultrasound is recommended.
(19) A principle and method was proposed for process intensification by applying phase transition.
(20) The country was on the verge of collapse because of the intensification of violent rebel attacks.
(21) If agreed by the Council of Ministers it will form the basis for support to the maintenance of traditional agriculture without intensification.
(22) Positions might have been changed and the precarious political balance upset by any intensification of the spiritual pollution campaign.
(23) It is hard to imagine the countdown to war continuing without an intensification of diplomacy.
(24) What has changed for the stockman is more often connected with the intensification of livestock production.
(25) This research is also explains that andrographolide Whas strong effect of inhibition the capillary permeability intensification.
(26) On the basis of these results, the paper constructed a new technics of flake graphite floatation by multi-stage grinding[sentencedict .com], grade floatation and ultrasonic intensification.
(27) LUPIT benefited from very high ocean heat content and intensification rate has been fast.
(28) Liberalization of trade and investment has been influenced by the expansion and intensification of regional integration efforts.
(29) The financial crisis sweeping the globe is the inevitable result of the intensification of the fundamental contradictions of international financial monopoly capitalism.
(30) S . R . I is short for the system of rice intensification.
More similar words: ratificationgratificationspecificationnullificationjustificationcertificationqualificationclarificationquantificationpersonificationesterificationidentificationintoxicationintensityintensiveintentionintentionallydedicationindicationmedicationimplicationapplicationvindicationpublicationcommunicationintegrationprevaricationinternationalinterpretationinternalization
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