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Intensely in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+13Posted:2017-04-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intenseimmenselyintensityintensifyintensiveintensificationsenselesstenseMeaning: [ɪn'tenslɪ]  adv. in an intense manner. 
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91. A libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific, if you are not on the receiving end.
92. But lately I have begun to feel intensely curious about Anna herself.
93. They are comfortably familiar tunes, but she interprets them in an intensely personal way.
94. His lips were intensely smiling and his false teeth shone.
95. An intensely private man, one can only assume the attractions of the year-round treadmill are wearing thin.
96. I remember watching a whole flock of female phalaropes badgering a poor male so intensely he almost drowned.
97. She knew now, consciously at last and with absolute clarity, why she had always reacted so intensely to Luke Scott.
98. Antony rose to his feet and stood gazing intensely at her.
99. This process of learning takes place more rapidly and intensely during the early years of childhood than in later life.
100. Tony Paignton, although only twenty-one and a merry-faced person bubbling over with fun, was an intensely serious young man.
101. Yet the volume closes with three sonnets which prepare the way for the intensely symbolic landscapes of Mascarilla y trebol.
102. The intensely flavored, spicy mole, with chocolate as its base[], is the perfect foil for wild turkey.
103. His grey eyes stared back at me intensely, as if right through me.
104. Scholarly and intensely hard-working, his otherwise serious nature was lightened by a streak of mischief.
105. All season these Bruins have been intensely competitive and highly vulnerable.
106. Despite his extraordinary flair in gaining publicity for the causes he believed in, McTaggart was an intensely private man.
107. But Sydney audiences took the piece in stride, and reviews ranged from respectful to intensely admiring.
108. The second is intensely combative performance art, and just about self-financing.
109. An intensely nationalistic native of Lorraine, he saw in overseas conquests the compensation for his lost birthplace.
110. The authors are intensely polite and agreeable,[] rendering the discussions somewhat rehearsed and far too sedate.
111. This California zinfandel displays intensely fresh, penetrating berry fruit and very good persistence on the palate.
112. The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
113. Standing under an ancient oak I am intensely aware of the sheer concentration of life in the leafy canopy overhead.
114. Artificial light an intensely bright and broad beam.
115. Indian ink: Intensely black drawing ink.
116. Edmond was intensely interested. Suddenly the jailer entered.
117. Artificial light in an intensely bright and broad beam.
118. But for many transvestites , cross - dressing is an intensely sexual activity.
119. The resista nce decreases intensely when the slenderness ratio of the hot molding sand layer increases.
120. We think of them as signifying happiness, and indeed, researchers do find that the more intensely people contract their zygomaticus major muscles, the happier they say they feel.
More similar words: intenseimmenselyintensityintensifyintensiveintensificationsenselesstensetense uppretenseintendintentintentlyintend tointentionintendantmaintenanceintentionalintermittentsuperintendentintentionallyunintentionalnonsensediscontentedcontentedcounseldensesensewiselyincense
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