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Induction in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+4Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: deductionSimilar words: inductivereductionabductionproductionreproductionintroductionmass productionproduction costMeaning: [ɪn'dʌkʃn]  n. 1. a formal entry into an organization or position or office 2. an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current 3. reasoning from detailed facts to general principles 4. stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors 5. the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time) 6. an act that sets in motion some course of events. 
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91. Every induction is a speculation.
92. According to the basic principle of alternative current field measurement (ACFM), the alternative current field sensor was designed, which was made up of drive coil and induction coil.
93. It is shown that this method is suitable for any pole-ratio 2-speed single-winding induction motors and can reduce the production costs and improve the operational performances of the motors.
94. The efficacy of hypomethylating agents (e. g. 5 aza 2' deoxycytidine) as antineoplastic agents has been attributed to two distinct mechanism: cytotoxicity and induction of hypomethylation.
95. Objective To predict the prognosis of children acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by using glucocorticosteroid induction test.
96. Ion induction installation: Automatic leak hunting, flame-out safe protection. The house is safer.
97. The independent control of motor winding and levitation winding is a effective way of super high speed operation for bearingless induction motors.
98. The inner wall of induction coil of large capacity electric furnace is cast with imported high temperature resistant insulation material to prevent of furnace lining leakage.
99. Genotype affected on callus induction rate, regeneration rate and green plantlet yield significantly.
100. Based on this highly efficient shoot induction, the application of filter paper to the genetic transformation of Artemisia annum L. by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was investigated.
101. A control system of the three-phase induction motor based on TMS320LF2407 was introduced in this paper.
102. The same changes were also observed in the decidua from the induction with water-cyst, which produces a prolonged mechanical pressure and causes necrosis of cells.
103. A method to detect squirrel cage induction motors with broken rotor bars and eccentricity is presented.
104. This thesis aimed at the development of the three - phase squirrel-cage induction motor portable diagnosis system.
105. Static Induction Thyristors ( SITH ), developed in recent years, are high frequency and high - power switching devices.
106. It is an induction and extraction of standards from various indirect non-tariff barriers.
107. The primary principle of establishing animal disease model is etiology - based induction principle.
108. The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening, raises fatigue limit and service ...
109. This paper discusses a type of method of radical irrational using mathematical induction.
110. From these data a tree induction algorithm builds decision trees.
111. The degree of self - induction is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the circuit.
112. Carburizing, cyaniding (, and induction hardening are some of the processes commonly used to produce the case hardening effect.
113. Run merge sort on those. By induction, if it does the right thing, I'm going to get back two lists, and I'm going to then merge Them together. Notice what I'm going to do.
114. In this paper, Author using method of combinatorial analysis and mathematical induction have proved several properties of sort a of the sum seguence about Fibonacci number.
115. Interestingly, anisomycin has found use for the induction of amnesia in animal models.
116. Taking the dynamic pressure as an induction parameter, the measured data is induced to that a result with higher fitting degree is obtained[], which has a better engineering practicability.
117. Objective To investigate the effect of letrozole as a drug for ovulation induction in ovulatory infertile women and influence on reproductive hormones.
118. The powering system uses three-phase induction motor instead of engine to drive generator. The load is composed of the battery, cooling fan and head lamp.
119. Floral reversion was observed in the induction of style - stigma - like structure from petals, ovaries and styles.
120. The authors analyze the influence in vector controlled induction machine caused by parameter variation and main flux saturation affects speed estimation of adaptive state observer.
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