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Home > Incredible in a sentence

Incredible in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurddoubtfulpreposterousquestionableridiculousstaggeringunbelievableunconvincingAntonym: credibleSimilar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglyMeaning: [ɪn'kredəbl]  adj. beyond belief or understanding. 
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151. It would be an incredible feat for a side built from unsung players.
152. It was the most incredible place we had ever seen.
153. He has an incredible understanding of what needs to be done.
154. One year ago, Paul Pierce was under an incredible amount of pressure to make a decision.
155. A wall of dark water, approaching our port side at an incredible speed.
156. People linked to each other through this incredible almost superhuman need.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
157. We turned north along the Shyok gorge and passed through some of the most incredible scenery that any of us had witnessed.
158. The change at Everton is as incredible as the transformation at Blackburn, in reverse.
159. In any discussion of California trees, attention must be paid to the incredible redwoods.
160. You see all these incredible things they do, and some of it rubs off on you.
161. But at the other extreme some manufacturers impose what seems an incredible loading against diesel versions.
162. An incredible horror-barely mitigated by the gallantry award and hero's status he had earned by staking his own life.
163. They join in an incredible evening of colour and visual performance, which provides an unforgettable experience.
164. There was an incredible changing of the guard last year.
165. You can turn them up to the most incredible volume and strum them very lightly, and you get a really lovely sound.
166. The chief architect of this incredible advance in bombing efficiency was unquestionably Don Bennett.
167. It was a portrait of the white bull terrier, executed with incredible precision.
168. For a moment Trent and Mariana were held immobile[], stunned by the incredible power from which they had so narrowly escaped.
169. Foreign programs, funded with charitable dollars and operating against incredible odds, are losing steam.
170. The mysterious tonic and the fine-tooth metal comb brought Walker incredible wealth.
171. We appreciated that long months of solitary on top of the awful treatment he'd received before must have put incredible strains on him.
172. Terry Bradshaw makes an incredible recovery from a knee injury.
173. It was an incredible feat of engineering, dug by hand.
174. I told the Minister that I found his allegations incredible.
175. It was an incredible year, one in which the Suns were neither lucky nor good.
176. And you had Tiger trying to wrap up an incredible year by reaching double figures in victories.
177. Sweeping views of the South Bay, incredible birdwatching, and an easy ride along a stream.
178. The urgent appeal won the hearts and minds of all who love and know Snowdon, and the response has been incredible.
179. Pattern cutters, fitters, sewing hands and their assistants all worked at an incredible speed.
180. Being an excitable sort of race there is an incredible number of things we would like to show you.
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