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Home > Incredible in a sentence

Incredible in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absurddoubtfulpreposterousquestionableridiculousstaggeringunbelievableunconvincingAntonym: credibleSimilar words: incrediblyon creditcredibilityconcreteincreasedincreasingsacredincreasinglyMeaning: [ɪn'kredəbl]  adj. beyond belief or understanding. 
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181. Your dinner parties will be legendary for their incredible desserts!
182. In this time some incredible things in terms of animal distribution and evolution have taken place there.
183. It was moving at an incredible speed through the green desert.
184. There were numerous tourists admiring the incredible views but to Ruth there was no one in the world but Fernando.
185. Topping the list of my favorite prose pieces are Kenyon's incredible hiking and gardening essays.
186. It is incredible that both the Minister and the Prime Minister whitewash the inquiry by describing it as independent.
187. Patients were chained up,[] and the noise would have been incredible.
188. The aim of the circular walk I've devised is to capture as fully as possible the incredible magic of the Lakes.
189. Mr. Evans Will the Secretary of State acknowledge that that incredible figure does not tell the entire story?
190. More than 50 business men and women showed their incredible resolve when they turned up for an emergency meeting in Craigavon yesterday.
191. But football can bestow incredible social status on those with skill.
192. If it had been incredible before it was more so now, this whirling tumult in her blood.
193. Mother Teresa was an incredible human being.
194. The incredible success of quantum electrodynamics raises the question.
195. Heller: Those Motherboard leggings and skirt are incredible.
196. A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund.
197. Arriving in Piazza del Duomo was something incredible.
198. Rigorously tested, this landing gear will withstand incredible loads.
199. Pushing Daisies picked up an incredible 12 Emmy nominations.
200. An incredible dog that can skip rope.
201. Mr. Incredible receives civilian Medal of Honor.
202. Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.
203. As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.
204. Fresh mint and cilantro are incredible in salads and oriental dishes.
205. With your incredible support, I genuinely believe we can make our home ground a fortress.
206. The short story "Ein Landarzt" is a typical work of Franz Kafka , which tells an incredible story, and it is difficult to find out the meaning of this story.
207. The torque increases to incredible 860 Nm at 2000 rpm.
208. Under these circumstances, it would be incredible if he hadn't experienced ableism and discrimination.
209. Jacqui said: "I love seeing my body change every time Curly tattoos me. It's an incredible journey of self-discovery.
210. Using microwave-heated ceramic chips instead of standard gas flame or electric coil, the system heats pans with near-perfect balance and lets you control the heat level with incredible precision.
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