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Hospital in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+86Posted:2016-07-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clinicsanitariumSimilar words: capitalspitspitedespitecapitain spite ofvitaldigitalMeaning: ['hɑspɪtl /'hɒs-]  n. 1. a health facility where patients receive treatment 2. a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care. 
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211. Frears was rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack.
212. The rich businissman founded a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.
213. He was kept in hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.
214. Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.
215. They marked the exact place of that hospital with a red cross.
216. He was rushed into hospital because his blood wasn't clotting properly.
217. It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital.
218. Local people are very angry about the plans to close another hospital.
219. She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.
220. He held onto his wife for support as he left the hospital.
221. The new hospital will be officially opened by the mayor on Tuesday.
222. Funds will be made available to ensure the provision of hospital
223. Since the opt-out, the hospital has been responsible for its own budgeting.
224. She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc.
225. After a year in the hospital, he's back in circulation.
226. They were counting on him not coming out of hospital.
227. The report on the hospital mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean laundry.
228. Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.
229. The hospital manager has promised to take the matter up with the member of staff involved.
230. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.
231. A father was secretly filmed as he tried to smother his six-week-old son in hospital.
232. He didn't need to go to hospital after all - he only had a few bruises.
233. She was seen by a doctor but didn't need hospital treatment.
234. He'll land up in hospital if he carries on drinking like that.
235. The health minister made a personal appearance at the hospital.
236. Carl had asked him to visit the hospital and to pay his respects to Francis.
237. A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital.
238. He was taken to hospital, where he is now under police guard.
239. Half of all hospital admissions are emergencies, and these are treated straightaway.
240. The new hospital is to be located near your college.
More similar words: capitalspitspitedespitecapitain spite ofvitaldigitalItalianhostwhoseghostthosehostilehostageprospectpitspinso to speakto speak ofatmospherespillspineintrospectpitchpitcherinspirejupiterintrospectionpittance
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