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Grimness in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: firmnessagribusinesschimneygrimgrimaceamnesiaamnestyanamnesisMeaning: ['grɪmnɪs]  n. 1. the quality of being ghastly 2. something hard to endure. 
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1. The novel depicts the grimness of life for the unemployed in Salford.
2. He was smiling but with such grimness that she began to regret her rash decision to come.
3. A certain sort of grimness came into my voice, as if expediency had now to take over.
4. The noise, the abuse, the grimness are everyday parts of their working life.
5. Her sister carried with her most of the grimness of shift and toil.
6. Oh(sentencedict .com), the grimness and the terror of this plan! Could he really execute it?
7. Reservoir resettlement is still facing grimness challenges in our country.
8. The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the 2)grimness that is all around.
9. With the grimness of the employment situation advancing increasingly, the employment problem of the university students has already become a problem the whole society care about.
10. Compared with the godfather's grimness , his tender feeling can move me even more .
11. In 1935, to conjure away the grimness of mass unemployment and the threat of Hitler.
12. With the gradual grimness of water crisis problem[], the reuse of reclaimed water already becomes one of the important(approaches) to resolve the shortage of water resources.
13. Oswald lay still, aware of a drone in the block, a heaving breath, grimness, massive sleep.
14. The Chinese helicopter industry is facing a new opportunity for its developments as well as grimness challenge.
15. His CV includes time in death metal bands, which surely informed the uncompromising grimness of this debut solo album.
16. In the process of his seeking for his idealized love, the boy finally became aware of the grimness of the reality and great discrepancy between the real world and the ideal world in his mind.
17. The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the grimness that is all around.
18. Analysis on the phenomenon and effect of "Isolated Island of Information-based Education in universities", tells the Grimness of this problem.
19. But now most popularize objects are aged and with low self-stuff, the popularizing agricultural technique faced grimness circumstance.
20. There were smiles, as cameras flashed in photo ops, but beneath the surface ... a grimness.
21. I was too young to understand much of the grimness, but somehow I understood clearly that Dad loved me. That made things better all the way around.
22. Soil pollution is related closely with human's life safty as water pollution to be, with the same importance and grimness.
More similar words: firmnessagribusinesschimneygrimgrimaceamnesiaamnestyanamnesispilgrimageearnestnessuselessnesstactlessnessselflessnesslimitlessnessonenessnewnessillnesssadnessmadnessshynesswitnessfinesseslynessharnesscoldnessfitnessdarknessnearnessrudenesskindness
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