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31) Melanie noticed the woman's index finger was stiffly grained with chalk dust.
32) Rebuilding methods and implements steps of ultra fine grained steel bar product line are put forward.
33) Jadeite is fine variety of jade coming from Burma, and is fine grained, hard and durable.
34) The former are mainly developed in the coarsesilt grained, euhedral and semi-euhedral crystalline calcitic dolomites occurring in the lower part of the first member of the Doushantuo Formation.
35) A usually coarse - grained igneous rock composed chiefly of calcic plagioclase and pyroxene.
36) A finer - grained lock has been converted to a coarser - grained lock.
37) In addition the Dynamic Query Mode contains a fine grained metadata and cell data cache which is trickle fed and a higher cache hit ratio than was previously possible.
38) Under the experiment's welding condition(sentence dictionary), WCX355 ultrafine grained steels didn't distinctly embrittle in CGHAZ and didn't soften in tempering zone either.
39) The results shown that maize relatives of genus Zea can be directly crossed with maize, and grained F1 seeds. Maize relatives and their interspecies hybrids have strong heterosis photoperiod response.
40) Woods: Highly figured birdseye maple forearm with a very tight grained maple handle under the wrap and a Red Amboyna Butt sleeve.
41) Any of several tropical American trees, especially Calycophyllum candidissimum, having hard, durable, uniformly grained wood.
42) Full of water, densely grained and smelling like bourbon, the rough-cut framing lumber I'd ordered spanned 18 feet and looked like bridge supports.
43) The states concerned by probabilistic predictions are to be understood in a coarse grained sense of ensembles of nearby pointwise states (as those featured in the deterministic approach).
44) The types of mineralized rocks are fine grained biotite gneiss and silicalites.
45) The rock was grained by thousands of years of water flow.
46) Malagasy rosewood — reddish and superbly grained — is among the world's most sought-after timber, especially since Asian sources of similar trees have been depleted.
47) Fully automatic meshing, with optional fine - grained user control for specific components.
48) Powder mixed with use, Ying Shai except for coarse - grained and caking extended mixing time.
49) Touchstone is a fine - grained velvety black rock, a kind of quartz.
50) The purpose of equal channel angular pressing ( ECAP ) is to obtain ultra - fine grained ( UFG ) materials .
51) Yanshanian acid is a mountain of granite, mostly coarse - grained granite and porphyritic granite.
52) Polygonal fault is a type of non - tectonic fault distributing in deepwater fine - grained sediments.
53) It is usually straight grained with a fine, even texture and a faint growth - ring figuration.
54) Emergence stratums are of Sinian , Devonian, Permian, Trias and intrusive Granite dike and coarse - grained granite dike.
55) The fine - grained crystalline base of porphyritic rock in which larger crystals are embedded.
56) If BPEL is used as an integration technology to build coarse-grained services out of smaller grained services, it has all the features you might need.
57) Theearly stage comprises fine grain adamellite and medium coarse grained porphyritic adamellite, while the late stage, it consists of medium grain adamellite with huge phenocryst.
58) Porcelain: Vitrified pottery with a white, fine - grained Body that is usually translucent.
59) Taking the character of SAR data and limited system memory into accounts, the medium grained parallel imaging algorithm optimizes task partitioning to improve system processing power.
60) A fine - grained, light - colored granitic rock consisting primarily of orthoclase and quartz.