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Gray in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Asa GrayGrayRobert GrayThomas Graydullgray-hairedgray-headedgrayishgraynessgreygrey-hairedgrey-headedgreyishgreynessgrizzlyhoarhoaryleadenwhite-hairedSimilar words: trayarraysprayportraygrabgrandgrapea grandMeaning: [greɪ]  n. 1. a neutral achromatic color midway between white and black 2. clothing that is a grey color 3. any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are grey 4. horse of a light gray or whitish color 5. English poet best known for his elegy written in a country churchyard (1716-1771) 6. American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River (1755-1806) 7. United States botanist who specialized in North American flora and who was an early supporter of Darwin's theories of evolution (1810-1888). v. 1. make grey 2. turn grey. adj. 1. of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black 2. showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair 3. darkened with overcast 4. used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War (who wore grey uniforms) 5. intermediate in character or position. 
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1. His hair is turning gray.
2. Gray is intermediate between black and white.
3. A fox may grow gray, but never good.
4. A band of gray hair encircled his bald dome.
5. He was a tall, stout man with gray hair.
6. Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.
7. She was dressed in gray.
8. I saw this nice-looking man in a gray suit.
9. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.
10. Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.
11. a gray squally morning.
12. Gray caught smallpox from his nephew.
13. He rubbed the gray stubble on his chin.
14. Contact Dr. Gray about academic advisement.
15. Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray.
16. He is light haired with gray eyes.
17. The sky turned steel gray.
18. The bird is dull brown and gray in colour.
19. The sky was uniformly gray.
20. Dr Gray has been appointed to a consultancy.
21. The mud is smooth, gray, soft(, and plastic as butter.
22. A hard gray crust had formed on the bottom of the tea kettle.
23. Gray describes in dramatic and spellbinding detail the lives of these five ladies.
24. He watched the dark stain spread over the gray carpet.
25. Gray worked for him in the early months of his campaign for some time, then became disillusioned, freaked out and joined another party.
26. Gray complained about the team's lack of good luck.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Armani gray covers his body head-to-toe, double-breasted style.
28. How it happened is still a gray area.
29. The President-elect followed in an open carriage drawn by six beautiful gray horses.
30. Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache.
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