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Coroner in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: medical examinerSimilar words: coronetcoronary artery bypass graftmoronmoronicdecorousfor one thingcorollarycornerMeaning: ['kɒrənə]  n. a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes. 
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1 The coroner will hold an inquest into the deaths.
2 The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner.
3 The coroner issued a burial certificate.
4 The coroner says we will have to hold a post-mortem.
5 The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
6 The coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure.
7 The coroner ordered an investigation into the man's death.
8 The Coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.
9 The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.
10 The coroner recorded a verdict of acci-dental death.
11 The coroner concurred with this assessment.
12 The Coroner extended his sympathy to the victim's family.
13 After the inquest,([] the coroner recorded an open verdict.
14 The coroner 's verdict was'death by misadventure '.
15 The coroner thought that on the balance of probabilities, the pilot had suffered a stroke just before the crash.
16 The coroner said the cause of death was a stroke.
17 The coroner turned, belched, and quietly began to snore.
18 The Cleveland coroner adjourned the hearing pending further inquiries.
19 Cleveland deputy coroner Ronald Smith adjourned the inquest.
20 The coroner recorded an accident verdict.
21 The coroner recorded verdicts of accidental death.
22 Coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of accidental death.
23 Coroner Gordon Glasgow recorded a verdict of suicide.
24 And the coroner recorded an open verdict.
25 The coroner brought in a verdict of wilful murder.
26 The coroner turned away to refill his wine cup.
27 And Cheshire coroner John Hibbert is also due to open an inquest today.
28 She told Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield he became depressed through being out of work and it made him irritable and upset.
29 The coroner said it's up to travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers.
30 Eventually, he turns his face to the wall and encounters the photograph of the coroner from Philadelphia, Gold.
More similar words: coronetcoronary artery bypass graftmoronmoronicdecorousfor one thingcorollarycornerscornercut cornersaround the cornermoroseporousboroughodorousamorousdolorousthoroughrigorousproroguetimorousvigoroushumorousfactor outglamorouscastor oilclamorousomnivorousmalodorousthoroughly
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