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Excel in a sentence

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Sentence count:170+2Posted:2016-12-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beatbettercapexceedsurpasstopSimilar words: excellentexceptexceedexcessexcept forexceptionexcessivein excess ofMeaning: [ɪk'sel]  v. distinguish oneself. 
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151. This model can be as easy as one input variable and one output variable (called a Scatter diagram in Excel, or an XYDiagram in
152. Briefly speaking, young people are inclined to idolize the people who excel in appearance, intelligence or talent.
153. This kind of fast, bloody raid is something the Reapers really excel at.
154. Meet the Excel 12 formula bar, or " don't hijack my grid! "
155. Two people both compare excel at the red soil fighting method.
156. With the data reader and the file printer ready to go, you can start to build Excel spreadsheets.
157. Cleverness , can accept, comprehend, control quickly to the thing with usage, excel mimicry and creation.
158. This paper also uses EXCEL to deal with data and EVIEWS to conduct time sequence regression.
159. We excel at making a living but often fail in making a life.
160. The hardcopy Excel file should have an authorized signature with a company chop.
161. Excellent Presentation Skills, conversant in Microsoft applications including PowerPoint and Excel.
162. During the development of Auto - Checking System for Excel[], practicability is emphasized.
163. Of a specific medical XT document analysis, to resolve TXT documents, generate EXCEL spreadsheet.
164. Artistic merIt'scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area.
165. I have created an excel spreadsheet that almost does what I want.
166. We tend to excel at using MFC to manufacture various types of forflats, and dorms.
167. The only Office-compliant Android app to be found thus far is Documents To Go, which for the initial price of $19.99 supports Word and Excel.
168. Particles prepared by ion - exchange method excel at photo - absorption efficiency and oxygen - adsorptive capacity than titanium
169. When there is DLT, different firms excel in different layers of the vertical chain of complementary products.
170. For schools to excel, teachers and administrators need to be concerned with uniqueness and specialness in their interactions with each other and with students.
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