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Eloquence in a sentence

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Sentence count:72+1Posted:2016-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fluencysmoothnessSimilar words: sequenceconsequencein consequenceloquaciouscolloquialfrequencyhencefenceMeaning: ['eləkwsəns]  n. powerful and effective language. 
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(31) Bush and Gore answered them, with varying degrees of competence and eloquence.
(32) Odeneal was swayed by the eloquence and truth of Joseph's argument, and submitted a practical solution.
(33) The fury aroused by his anti-Pitt eloquence was at once frightening and flattering to his vanity.
(34) From such rigid, uncompromising and unpromising beginnings, Glass has created a sound language of great eloquence and diversity.
(35) His eloquence inflamed the strikers.
(36) The novel has a compelling though unsubtle eloquence.
(37) The article has a compelling though unsubtle eloquence.
(38) Eloquence will avail you little or nothing.
(39) He is unrivalled in eloquence.
(40) He is gifted with rare eloquence.
(41) When it comes to speech eloquence, some under-educated people also have something on the ball.
(42) Of all eloquence a nickname is the most concise,[] of all arguments the most unanswerable.
(43) This is also a reason we regret the lack of profundity and incisiveness in Hu Shi's articles while appreciating his crystal clarity and eloquence.
(44) We reckon with facts which cannot be changed by the eloquence.
(45) Her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to colour and shape.
(46) He inherited his eloquence from his father, a Christian preacher.
(47) I'll admit that now and again he had a sort of tub - thumping eloquence.
(48) To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance the citizens of a democracy.
(48) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(49) Lincoln had a gift for words, and although he lost an election for senator in 1858, his eloquence in his debates with Stephen A. Douglas brought him national attention.
(50) He gave it me with candour and with a wild eloquence which touched my heart.
(51) He gave it to me with candor and with a wild eloquence which touched my heart.
(52) After C14, I took Princeton Review lessons- Vocab , Grammar, Reading, Writting, Eloquence. In these five lessons I learnt more advanced English and made great progress.
(53) The hired orators continued to pour forth their streams of eloquence.
(54) Eloquence bad, do not understand the meaning that how conveys oneself, often be misunderstood by others dissocial and arrogant.
(55) The vice-presidential debate suggests that longer sentences may not always correspond to greater eloquence.
(56) The agonised wife flew to the Lord Protector, threw herself at his feet, and with great eloquence pleaded for her husband's life and innocence.
(57) I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts.
(58) It honors the eloquence, force of argument and succinctness with which the writer presents his or her views.
(59) His eloquence is all the more remarkable because migraines are a sinkhole for language.
(60) His adroitness and eloquence had always prevented his friends from forming any general policy against him.
More similar words: sequenceconsequencein consequenceloquaciouscolloquialfrequencyhencefenceessencesciencecommencesentenceevidenceresidenceexperiencereferenceexperiencedpreferencedifferenceconferenceabstinenceconvenienceacquiescencemake a differencecommencementindependencefrequentsubsequentbelowfrequently
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