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Describe in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: characterizedefinedepictpaintpictureportrayrepresenttellSimilar words: subscriberdescriptionprescriptiontribescriptdescenddiscriminationfiberMeaning: [dɪ'skraɪb]  v. 1. give a description of 2. to give an account or representation of in words 3. identify as in botany or biology, for example 4. make a mark or lines on a surface. 
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151 A double oven cooker with all this style and all these features - there's only one word to describe it.
152 This table is based upon interviewees' detailed descriptions of their desired practice, not upon terms they used to describe them.
153 Associates describe him as a deft manipulator of the media and of the young women he turns into pop superstars.
154 In the remainder of this book and especially in the concluding chapter I will describe this reconfiguration in more detail.
155 Here I simply introduce them to you and describe how Iberian managers ran afoul of them. 1.
156 He and his co-stars describe how scary it was filming the battle scenes in their new movie.
157 Batt: The term used to describe a sheet of wadding.
158 To describe these,[] it is necessary first to make a distinction between head-modifier constructions and head-complement constructions.
159 The more she got, the more unhappy she became. Describe this in great detail and act it out.
160 It's difficult to describe in detail without spoiling the effect for future viewers, something that goes for the whole film.
161 I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum.
162 To describe behaviour as skilled is to say no more than that it has been influenced by training and experience.
163 Traditionally it is a peaceful event, without confrontation between police and what they describe as the hippy convoy.
164 Tacky barely begins to describe your actions in this mess.
165 I will also try to describe why, after a decade of using Macintosh, I still find it exhilarating.
166 While disagreeing with his explanation,[] Priest ley was quick to describe suitably scaled up apparatus for filling balloons.
167 Language is very powerful. Language does not just describe reality. Language creates the reality it describes. Desmond Tutu 
168 It would be impossible to list them all or to describe how at different times they have been better or worse.
169 Construction metaphors aptly describe what prosecutors and other trial lawyers do.
170 The great thing about differential equations is that they produce nice smoothly continuous change in the quantities they describe.
171 Four charges under the food labelling regulations alleged the names used to describe the products did not mention soya protein.
172 It is impossible to describe any but the most popular of the salami that are found both in delicatessens and supermarkets.
173 These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.
174 But vibrant is such an abstract term that it can not be used to describe what to look for in a dough.
175 A more organic metaphor is needed to describe the process of transition.
176 There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe something that has clearly happened. Douglas Adams 
177 Several different methods are available to describe the age distribution of populations and the relationship between its constituent age groups.
178 For example, the words hot and cold are antonyms that describe physical temperature.
179 The other forms involve lyrical songs that describe topographies in great detail.
180 I never witnessed a serious quarrel or observed anyone I would describe as angry.
More similar words: subscriberdescriptionprescriptiontribescriptdescenddiscriminationfiberliberalrescueribscrewdeliberatelycrisisscreencriticscreamtelescopescratchadolescentcriteriacriticalscrambletribalribbonscreeningcriticizedesertdesignmodest
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