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Photocopier in a sentence

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Sentence count:56+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: photocellprotocolphotogo to piecesphotographphotographyphotographerpierceMeaning: ['fəʊtəʊkɑpɪə(r) /-kɒp-]  n. a copier that uses photographic methods of making copies. 
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1. The photocopier reproduces colours very well.
2. If the photocopier stops working just give it a clout.
3. The photocopier keeps jamming up.
4. The photocopier is out of action again.
5. The photocopier will collate the documents for you.
6. The photocopier is out of action today.
7. You've left your master in the photocopier.
8. Our photocopier is in continual need of running repairs.
9. The photocopier had been set for multiple copies.
10. He waited for the photocopier to warm up.
11. That photocopier is always getting jammed up.
12. The photocopier has been busy all morning.
13. The front roller has jammed on the photocopier.
14. The photocopier isn't printing well.
15. The photocopier will do the latter job for you.
16. Responsibility for the photocopier cash box. 9.
17. And the photocopier is more valuable than Phil Jackson.
18. Could you show me how to work the photocopier?
19. The new photocopier is much simpler to use than the one we had before.
20. A colour photocopier was installed,[ ] in addition to the two black and white copiers.
21. A photocopier, fax machine(, theodolite level and calculator were taken.
22. For all the gadgetry, everything stopped when the photocopier was working because it soaked up all the power.
23. I have a photocopier in my office that automatically sorts sheets of paper into different bins.
24. Resort to the photocopier is often determined by economic factors.
25. I hate to be a bother, but could you show me how the photocopier works?
26. An optional 1 500 sheet feeder can be attached to the photocopier.
27. It was all hands to the pumps, or the typewriters or the files or the photocopier, as appropriate.
28. The door it adorned was open and from inside came the familiar sound of a photocopier on print and collate.
29. Copier cowboys face showdown GOVERNMENT watchdogs will tomorrow be asked to get tough with photocopier cowboys.
30. Or consider the guy who comes in and sets up the big Xerox photocopier that your company just bought.
More similar words: photocellprotocolphotogo to piecesphotographphotographyphotographerpiercein loco parentismicroscopicallycacophonydichotomyphosphorescenttopiccopchocolatemacrocosmpieutopiancopestockhottropicalscopepiecepietymicrocomputerbuttockshoteldeveloping
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