Synonym: bad, faulty. Similar words: effective, effectively, effectiveness, defect, elective, invective, objective, adjective. Meaning: [dɪ'fektɪv]
adj. 1. having a defect 2. markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior 3. not working properly.

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31, The seed was defective and the resulting crop was little better than useless.
32, Your character is the master of your destiny. The combined weight of a steadfast character, positive values and human strengths contributes to a great destiny. The influence of a defective character, negative values and human weaknesses leads to a messy destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 

33, Defective windows were a risk which window cleaners should guard against.
34, This relieves the employee of the need to identify and sue the manufacturer of the defective equipment.
35, Children who are malnourished with chronic diarrhoea have defective gastric acid secretion.
36, Defective flashings Although the flashing is sound on the joint between house wall and extension, it seems to admit rainwater.
37, The new developments include very early sampling of foetal tissue to detect defective genes.
38, What will happen. they ask, when the first defective test-tube baby is horn?
39, The waste-factory that produced these defective goods roared day and night.
40, A seller will prefer that the buyer's only remedy in respect of defective goods should be the express one granted under the contract.
41, It is backed by a £15 million insurance warranty covering product liability on defective material, damage to property and consequential losses.
42, But that for other types, the particular episodes of yesterday and today, is defective.
43, The defective cranks tend to be on imported bikes that retail in the $ 400 to $ 650 range.
44, For example, a product manager in the marketing department may discover that one plant in manufacturing is producing defective products.
45, The ram tried to return the salute, but owing to defective primers only one gun was discharged.
46, People who have the courage and will to reform or improve a defective character get a chance to reshape and change their destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 

47, Research on the family has enabled scientists to identify a defective gene responsible for causing the disease.
48, There was no need to sue Ford for a car manufactured with defective
49, The producer of a defective product is liable for damage resulting wholly or partly from that defect.
50, Negligence may be inferred from the fact that the product left the manufacturer in a defective state.
51, Generally speaking, there is no tort action where the product is merely defective and has not caused any physical damage.
52, I have one little complaint with the younger generation. They always look at the present as very shrunken and defective. It’s no good. The older generation may live in its past, in nostalgia. The streets were small, then. The homes were small. Life itself was small. Society was small. Nothing was open like it is today. Today is much bigger. Gulzar 

53, Statutory liability Parliament created a limited form of protection from builders with the Defective Premises Act 1972.
54, They pushed for state laws on compulsory sterilization of criminals and the physically defective, with some success.
55, MiLAN, at its option, will repair or replace any defective product within its warranty or extended warranty period.
56, Medtronic Inc. v. Lohr: Federal law does not prevent patients from suing manufacturers of defective medical devices in state courts.
57, As a sign of his good faith, the company has agreed to replace the defective parts for free.
58, In fact several recent studies have shown that up to 15% of defective items have passed unnoticed in a 100% inspection.
59, But any grounds for the House to consider that the appeal hearing was so defective as to require re-opening seem nonexistent.
60, Damp patches elsewhere, especially if they occur after rain, are usually due to defective roof drainage and flashings around chimneys.
More similar words: effective, effectively, effectiveness, defect, elective, invective, objective, adjective, detective, subjective, protective, collective, corrective, respective, perspective, prospective, collectively, respectively, irrespective, introspective, retrospective, defecate, irrespective of, overprotective, protective tariff, collective security, collective bargaining, defensive, infection, affection.