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Dealt in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+17Posted:2016-12-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dealidealdealerordealdeal indeal outwealthhealth
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241. It also dealt a blow to his testimonial, which nevertheless realised more than £2000.
242. This was the first time he dealt a fatal blow without intending it.
243. Infringements can be dealt with by an out-of-court settlement or if necessary by civil proceedings.
244. A record-player shuffled a few simple chords violently together, then dealt them out with heavy emphasis.
245. At first, Iveco dealt with the different companies as separate legal entities.
246. My husband wasn't suspended but went through a disciplinary hearing and things were dealt with there, or so we thought.
247. A dose of old-fashioned repression dealt with some of the bold exceptions.
248. Accordingly the use or threat of violence in connection with a prison mutiny can be dealt with under the general criminal law.
249. One covered the verification of official documents, one dealt with compensation for lost mail and one established mechanisms for future contacts.
250. This chapter has dealt with the mechanism of a debilitating and often fatal symptom of disease, namely diarrhoea.
251. Most complaints are dealt with by staff of the Bureau.
252. But the temptations of the Flesh were different: they could not be dealt with in cold blood.
253. The first workshop, devised by and of Dundee institute of Technology, dealt with the course design and documentation.
254. A Bill will be introduced to enable applications for asylum in the United Kingdom to be dealt with quickly and effectively.
255. But there was a lot of boring administrative carry-on to be dealt with.
256. We want to see such wastes dealt with to the highest possible standards in ways that are consistent with industrial economics.
257. Financial and child custody disputes are dealt with informally by the Registrar.
258. In Brown v. Board of Education, which dealt specifically with elementary education,[] the Court took the final logical step.
259. Asked about how issues involving patient confidentiality were best dealt with, one doctor replied: below.
260. He will be dealt with under our code of discipline.
261. The two main tasks of acquiring oral/aural competence and achieving basic literacy are dealt with in the course's two parallel streams.
262. In accruals accounting, however, the three categories are dealt with differently.
263. One dealt with the issue of mixed ability teaching as a separate issue.
264. The rates of chemical reactions are dealt with in detail in chapter 9.
265. Here long vehicles which have already been in traffic, as distinguished from new coaches, are mainly dealt with.
266. He may choose to be dealt cards from any of the colour decks or the High Magic deck.
267. As ex-Servicemen, they had not only dealt with the situations I feared most,( but also those I could not imagine.
268. It must show that serious offences against the criminal law will be effectively dealt with.
269. History, geography, technology, music, religious education, art and physical education were not dealt with in separate departments.
270. Farrington Stead dealt in gilt-edged securities, investments also offered by Barlow Clowes which went into liquidation in June 1988 owing £190million.
More similar words: dealidealdealerordealdeal indeal outwealthhealthwealthyhealthydeal witha big dealappeal toa good dealhealthcarea great deala good deal ofthe death penaltydouble-dealingideadeaddeathsaltdeadlyaltersaltyfade awaydeadlineroyaltyaltogether
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