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Critically in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+5Posted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: criticalhypercriticalhypocriticalcritical pointpoliticallypolitically correctcriticcriticiseMeaning: adv. in a critical manner. 
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91. Of the 15 people on board, three died and five were critically injured.
92. "The West Wing" is one of the most critically acclaimed TV series in the USA.
93. The implementation of such policies depends critically on the refereeing of research proposals and the operation of grant-awarding committees.
94. The impact of these policies towards this goal depends critically on how they are implemented.
95. Secondly, transport of such critically ill patients to regional referral centres should be considered and discussed early in the clinical course.
96. Consequently it is important to critically examine its basis in reality.
96. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
97. In 1783 their baby daughter, Ann, died of a fever and William himself became critically ill.
98. He was taken to hospital critically ill with severe head injuries - leaving girlfriend Donna Lorenz, 23, speechless.
99. Profound technological developments have already critically restructured the economies of developed societies from the production of things to the production of knowledge.
100. Hamilton in Z2901 being shot down and critically wounded by Graf von Kageneck; he died shortly afterwards.
101. Much of this is welcome but it has to be looked at critically when public expenditure cuts dominate the policy discussions.
102. But more critically, Sega failed to anticipate the rapid drop in demand for its less powerful 16-bit game player.
103. She dies in 1963, years before the critically acclaimed work was being adapted for the silver screen.
104. As she tucked in her hair and observed herself critically in the mirror she sang a song.
105. If fighting breaks out, they tell her, every bed may be needed for critically wounded GIs.
106. The response depends critically on the particular experimental method used to provoke it.
107. Alexia was critically acclaimed, and several major galleries purchased her, but she did not become immediately collectible.
108. From 1884 to his death Lewis was involved in critically evaluating Robert Koch's bacteriological explanation of cholera.
109. There are still other texts which have yet to be critically edited and brought to light.
110. The first five years of life are critically important in shaping every person's unique individuality.
111. She straightened where she stood and regarded his feet critically.
112. The regulatory commissions and antitrust laws will be examined critically in Chapter 34.
113. To this end it examines critically the assumptions underlying the advocacy of these employment policies.
114. Last night Suzanne was critically ill in intensive care at Withington Hospital.
115. We must also examine critically the notion that individual practitioners enjoy an autonomy which is somehow derived from that of the collectivity.
116. An elderly man's died and a woman is critically ill in hospital after a house fire in Worcestershire.
117. The government can not tell its citizens not to think critically of the law or the government.
118. Critically ill ... jogger is stabbed three times in unprovoked attack.
119. If the infant is critically ill, we talk with them at least twice a day.
120. You may wish to consider the nature of its nationalisation programme and critically examine how radical or socialist it was.
More similar words: criticalhypercriticalhypocriticalcritical pointpoliticallypolitically correctcriticcriticisecriticismcriticizepoliticalstaticallypoeticallygeneticallypracticallydrasticallypatheticallyhermeticallycrypticallyskepticallyfranticallyidenticallyerraticallyfanaticallyartisticallyenergeticallymajesticallyapatheticallyemphaticallysynthetically
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