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Converge in a sentence

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Sentence count:127+3Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: divergeSimilar words: convergenceconvertconverseconvertedconversionconverselyconvertibleconversationMeaning: [kən'vɜːdʒ]  v. 1. be adjacent or come together 2. approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit 3. move or draw together at a certain location 4. come together so as to form a single product. 
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31. Without doubt the strands of thought and philosophy overlap and, especially of late, converge.
32. Superficially, the activities differ, but at a deeper level they converge.
33. Beginning as crashing streams and spectacular waterfalls high up in the mountains, these quickly converge to form raging rivers.
34. At Hodgson, these themes converge in the form of a senior project.
35. Toy problems may converge in a reasonable amount of time; real problems may magnify the task beyond reasonable limits.
36. The delta is where the rivers converge and flow into the bay.
37. Under flickering lights at the grimy bus station other groups converge in a clatter of skis.
38. Cowboys, trail dust and great six-stringed hokum converge on Tucson this week with the ninth-annual Western Music Festival.
39. Delorean car enthusiasts from all over the world are set to converge on the province on Thursday for their annual reunion.
40. Each neuron is a node where thousands of wires converge,( where incoming mail is digested and sometimes turned into outgoing mail.
41. The principal rivers of the Empire flow from the east to the west, and as they converge they become greater still.
42. But here the clouds converge and mist falls and general miasma overtakes the public brain.
43. For example, a pair of lines of longitude are parallel at the equator but converge toward the poles.
44. Additionally, the mapping procedure is not well understood, and there is no guarantee the system will converge.
45. The algorithm can converge to the optimal policy.
46. Converge everything area . a goddamn dragnet over it!
47. As Henri Cartier Bresson once said : "To photograph is to hold one's breath(, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality."
48. Northeastern Brazil's climate is largely driven by the Intertropical Convergence Zone—an equatorial region where northern and southern hemisphere easterly trade winds converge.
49. By using this method the calibration result can converge to an ideal value.
50. Iterative sequences are also constructed, which converge to the solutions of the operator equation.
51. The pure pressure on women executives these life came into converge final hebdomad at a conference of the 100 Women in Hedge Funds group.
52. Newton Raphson method was introduced into the FEM analysis model in order to ensure that the solution of each iterative step would converge by means of satisfying some restrictive condition.
53. As speed increases the legs will converge under body towards a center line.
54. We think touch/gestural interfaces is the interaction model that all mobile platforms will converge on.
55. The whole converge in the chief temple entire a short moment coagulates above jade dulcimer, as whether Mount Taishan reception coercing of crest dint, the always instructions ground forces to her.
56. As speed increases, feet tend to converge toward center line of balance.
57. Can converge into the rivers to flow trickling sluggishly and thinly.
58. Margaret and Veronica Bullock Collections Council of Australia: Will collections vanish in the urge to converge?
59. Pakistan's Ambassador, Husain Haroon, is optimistic, saying there has been a great deal of divisiveness in the past, but that views are starting to converge.
60. The cable stays converge to a single point on the apex of the tower.
More similar words: convergenceconvertconverseconvertedconversionconverselyconvertibleconversationconversationalvergedivergeconveydivergentconveneconvenientconventionconvectionconveyanceconvex lensconvenienceinconvenientconventionalconstitutional conventionunconventionalemergesubmergeenergeticsubmergedemergencyinverse
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