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Contain in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+14Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compriseconsist ofcontrolcurbholdincludeinvolverestrainSimilar words: containermaintainconfrontationon the contraryretainobtainsustaincertainMeaning: [kən'teɪn]  v. 1. include or contain; have as a component 2. contain or hold; have within 3. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits 4. be divisible by 5. be capable of holding or containing 6. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of. 
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181. Daffodils, hyacinths, bluebells and many species of lily also contain toxins.
182. This provides the all-round strength required to safely contain the sometimes vast amounts of water in a large all glass aquarium.
183. Many private addresses in Thornaby now only contain the word Stockton, Thornaby being dropped from the address completely.
184. So let's try: That's better. the pages now contain both words.
185. According to Hocking, paper cups can not be recycled because they contain chemical additives.
185. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
186. When the imitation worked and the ball went in, I could barely contain myself.
187. These notes are largely extracts and only contain a limited amount of comment.
188. Not contain CFC. NO smoke for burning. Good protection.
189. And the main modules of the system contain analog input module, user dialog module, frequency dividing module and isolate-driving module.
190. The jaws of leaf-cutter ants and locusts, for example, both contain high levels of zinc, making them particularly stiff and hard.
191. The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
192. There are some that are more similar to herbal tea, but these may also contain sweeteners such as maltodextrin and honey.
193. A bigger worry are memory - boosting supplements that contain raw cow brains and glandular concentrates.
194. Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular.
195. These files contain both source and compiled versions of the client/server application, so you can begin using them as soon as they're in your CLASSPATH.
196. A field in which the number of the characters can be changed. A variable-length field must contain a data area to indicate its end and length.
197. The name of a main target can contain alphanumeric characters , dashes , underscores and dots.
198. Interesting fact: Cherries contain extremely high amounts of Melatonin for helping and keeping the body regulated.
199. Terminal Adapter. Connecting equipment between the Terminal Equipment( computer) and the phone, e. g. a PCM/ CIA card. A TA may contain a phone book.
More similar words: containermaintainconfrontationon the contraryretainobtainsustaincertaincurtaincaptainuncertainfor certaincertainlyretainingsustainablecertainly notuncertaintycontrolcontestcontextcontendconfrontcontractcontinuecontrastcontinentcontinuedcontributeentertainmentconstraint
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