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Concentrated in a sentence

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Sentence count:204+12Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: concentrateconcentrate onconcentration campconcentrationconcentratingcentralconceitedconcertedMeaning: ['kɑnsntreɪtɪd /'kɒn-]  adj. 1. gathered together or made less diffuse 2. of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced 3. intensely focused 4. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source 5. being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance. 
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91. The minority population is concentrated in a few regions or states.
92. By 1880 the result was already a highly concentrated and mechanized industrial system.
93. There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone.
94. Fred preferred not to reply, and concentrated his attention on the screen.
95. Instead, George concentrated his efforts on the few remaining furry areas on an otherwise bare bear.
96. Now they even have four times concentrated products so you need only a quarter of the measure.
97. In backwashing and regenerating the base-exchange medium, a fairly concentrated solution containing sodium and calcium chlorides is produced.
98. He concentrated his efforts on the posterior aspect of the eye and established the ophthalmic exam.
99. Consequently, the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry.
100. Most of the debate about cleaning contaminated sites has concentrated on the Superfund programme.
101. But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
102. It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals.
103. For most of the previous two decades, McKinsey consultants had concentrated on matters of strategy.
104. Posterity undoubtedly concentrated its attention on St Augustine as a theologian, and on what he wrote about predestination.
105. Recession has concentrated the minds of car buyers both private and corporate on the economics of running costs.
106. In this book, therefore[], attention is concentrated on relations of the more abstract sort.
107. They still remain by far the biggest group although most use is concentrated in the academic library sector.
108. Western interest has increased since glasnost, but has concentrated on the more contemporary works of the 1970s and 1980s.
109. In addition to this decrease in size child bearing is now concentrated into a much shorter period of a woman's life.
110. There was an air of intentness about him, a concentrated purpose that set a whole carillon of alarm bells ringing.
111. What would we think of an advertising campaign for glue that concentrated in its aromatic qualities?
112. Unless there was some incident that diverted and concentrated the general attention(, but I noticed nothing.
113. Sulfanilic acid is dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume with distilled water.
114. The men were injured in March last year when seven cubic metres of concentrated nitric acid escaped from a valve.
115. One idea Kevin had was to make concentrated chicken stocks for flavour.
116. In the domestic market coal use will be concentrated largely on electricity generation and steel manufacture.
117. They completely forgot about the rest of the cast and concentrated on their lines.
118. Other reactions have concentrated on the issue of the interplay between inner-city decay and racial disadvantage in contemporary Britain.
119. Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
120. Here too wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of the magistracy, the clergy and the landed aristocracy.
More similar words: concentrateconcentrate onconcentration campconcentrationconcentratingcentralconceitedconcertedentrancedecentralizeentrancewaydiscount rateconcealmentfrustratedcontraventioncentresconcecontraconcealconceitconcedeconcertconcernconceptconceiveensconceeccentriccontrastcontrarycontract
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