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Concentrated in a sentence

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Sentence count:204+12Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: concentrateconcentrate onconcentration campconcentrationconcentratingcentralconceitedconcertedMeaning: ['kɑnsntreɪtɪd /'kɒn-]  adj. 1. gathered together or made less diffuse 2. of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced 3. intensely focused 4. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source 5. being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance. 
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121. Many experts, he said, believed that we should aim for a smaller, more concentrated and more efficient network.
122. The great satisfaction was that the aspects we concentrated on in training - defence and winning loose ball - worked out well.
123. It also calls for a simplified system of authorization, with industrial licensing being concentrated in a single agency.
124. No problem if your inquisitive Year 10 tips potassium into concentrated sulphuric acid.
125. This chapter has concentrated on the challenges of bureau work.
126. The two soon concentrated their business at the Albion brewery.
127. First, most legislatures do not provide a coherent structure within which power can be concentrated and exercised effectively.
128. More recently, however, the field of artificial life has concentrated on producing lifelike behaviours.
129. She explained that animals in the wild don't get enough energy, and sugar is concentrated energy.
130. Business became concentrated and competing centres find it hard to become established.
131. These developments concentrated enormous power in the hands of the individual on the throne.
132. The major industrial developments were heavily concentrated in a few key areas of the Empire.
133. The government forces concentrated their efforts on the destruction of the Mbari command post.
134. Others focus on persistent, concentrated poverty and the attendant hopelessness and detachment from the labor force.
135. Will they continue to be concentrated in large companies or will there be a growth in the relative importance of small firms?
136. We have concentrated in this chapter on theoretical approaches to the demand for sport.
137. They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.
138. Future food technologists will be well placed to create concentrated foodstuffs which rectify the known deficiencies in the diet.
139. For the rest of the evening they concentrated on backgammon,( pushing dimes back and forth across the kitchen table.
140. Instead, in the main, it has concentrated on access, second chance, and a limited concept of training for community activists.
141. In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda.
142. Previous research concentrated on the removal of nitrate that was observed when groundwater conditions change from aerobic to anaerobic.
143. Several times over. Deliberately ignoring her,( Patrick concentrated on his surroundings.
144. It was, moreover, widely disseminated by a profusion of pattern books which concentrated upon smaller houses.
145. These studies concentrated on images of women, a type of criticism which views films as cultural forms imbued with sexist ideology.
146. Artists a category which included interior decorators and lowly house-painters were not concentrated in any particular quarter.
147. Democratic voters were also more likely to be concentrated in counties that did not check ballots for errors in the precinct.
148. That volatility has risen as the stocks become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a relatively few mutual funds.
149. The advocacy of spending is concentrated in vocal and influential communities and client groups that can affect the electoral chances of politicians.
150. As I concentrated on keeping us over one spot with the cyclic, we climbed.
More similar words: concentrateconcentrate onconcentration campconcentrationconcentratingcentralconceitedconcertedentrancedecentralizeentrancewaydiscount rateconcealmentfrustratedcontraventioncentresconcecontraconcealconceitconcedeconcertconcernconceptconceiveensconceeccentriccontrastcontrarycontract
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