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Commit in a sentence

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Sentence count:284+9Posted:2016-09-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: doentrustperformpledgepromiseSimilar words: committeesummitcommissioncommissionerswimmingsubmitpermitsmiteMeaning: [kə'mɪt]  v. 1. perform an act, usually with a negative connotation 2. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause 3. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution 4. confer a trust upon 5. make an investment. 
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151. It was because I went to a disco that he tried to commit suicide.
152. Facts: convicted of robbery and possessing a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence.
153. Not to generalize, but men want everything and want to commit to nothing.
154. It will be they who commit the most crime, it will be they who will stick two fingers up to conventional mores.
155. The clause is relatively mild, requiring international agencies to commit themselves to support eradication efforts.
156. Every single psephologist, political pundit and pollster must now resign, be sacked, or better yet, commit suicide.
157. If the security forces are thick on the ground and loyalist gunmen commit murder it is the result of collusion.
158. They tried to induce King to commit suicide by threatening to release this information.
159. The killing of children, deliberately targeted-what kind of a person could commit such an act?
160. Those are the people who commit most car crime and who take away and drive away most motor vehicles.
161. And I like the conflict a murder entails, and what leads somebody to commit murder.
162. The employer could still commit the offence of using, causing or permitting no insurance.
163. This has the effect of cancelling your existing covenant and in return you commit yourself to making payments under the new covenant.
164. What you must now do is commit the words to memory and take twenty cards from the pack.
165. I don't know what motivates people to commit such crimes.
166. I have tried to commit suicide many times, but I couldn't do it.
167. They could not commit the defendant to the crown court to deal with bail.
168. Pleas don't commit yourself unless you're absolutely sure of your true feelings.
169. Then you had got to have good grounds to believe that they were going to commit a felony.
170. Acheson would not commit himself on the sums of money involved and indicated that estimates had to be finalised.
171. Federal consumer agencies and those in an increasing number of states are taking action against those who commit online fraud.
172. Young people still need to learn how to commit to a job and have goals for themselves.
173. Edward, however(, was still reluctant to commit himself wholeheartedly to Balliol's cause.
174. What is the price tag for keeping decent, nonviolent people from having to commit the very act that Davis committed?
175. Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
176. During the hearing it came out that she had tried to commit suicide.
177. All three were charged with conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to commit forgery, and false accounting.
178. Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire 
179. Children know only too well the errors they commit while playing baseball or the missteps in the gymnastics routine.
180. The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. Helen Rowland 
More similar words: committeesummitcommissioncommissionerswimmingsubmitpermitsmitelimitadmitimmigrantadmit toprogrammingimmigrationtransmitto the limitlimitationintermittentin commoncommentcommencecommonlycommandercomment oncommunismcommoditycommunityrecommendcommercialfrom memory
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