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Reinstate in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2016-09-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: reestablishrestoreSimilar words: installinstantinstanceinstantlystatefor instanceestateinstallationMeaning: [‚rɪːɪn'steɪt]  v. 1. restore to the previous state or rank 2. bring back into original existence, use, function, or position. 
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(1) There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death penalty.
(2) The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed.
(3) Threats to reinstate the tax elicited jeer from the Opposition.
(4) Proponents are now trying to reinstate the fees.
(5) The union is fighting to reinstate 23 sacked journalists.
(6) It was eventually forced to reinstate them.
(7) I came to reinstate two young girls who were dismissed unfairly from my household.
(8) Yes, they have decided to reinstate you, over my violent objections, I might add.
(9) The engineering employers may be willing to reinstate the contract as a prelude to revising it.
(10) Is there any plans to reinstate the character deletion?
(11) What they did was to reinstate classical theory.
(12) The Eagles have no plans to reinstate Owens.
(13) Leading colleges should reinstate ROTC programs.
(14) There he proposed to reinstate the ancient Olympic Games.
(15) To reinstate our veteran comrades is necessary and correct.
(16) To reinstate GRUB as the system boot loader it needs to be reinstalled into the MBR.
(17) We urge the relevant Congolese authorities to reinstate RFI's frequencies immediately.
(18) His supporters failed in their attempt to reinstate the President in the White House.
(19) After abandoning an appeal against the decision(, Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings.
(20) If business premises suffer serious fire damage the landlord usually covenants to reinstate the premises with all convenient speed.
(21) If we are going to encourage a new precautionary attitude, schools need to reinstate hygiene training.
(22) Schwartz opened the conversation by saying that the Agency had decided to reinstate the employee and restore his clearance.
(23) Now, under the influence of Orphism, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.
(24) The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.
(25) It took several years before we were able to reinstate a comprehensive schedule of public affairs programming on public television.
(26) The electorate of the capital, Titograd, also voted to reinstate the city's old name of Podgorica.
(27) These changes in emphasis are welcome but may be too late to reinstate Morrison and Boyd as the brand leader.
(28) The Organization of American States (O.A.S.) went a step further Wednesday and said Honduras has 72 hours to reinstate Mr. Zelaya or the regional group may suspend the nation's membership.
(29) The rules expired in 2002 and Congress is considering whether to reinstate them.
(30) Too late, then, to remedy the missed opportunity of Basle II or to reinstate Glass - Steagall.
More similar words: installinstantinstanceinstantlystatefor instanceestateinstallationstatementwhereinfigure inreinforceinterfere inin stepinstinctagainstinstructstatuestatusinstead ofstatutemainstreaminstrumentinstructorinstitutioninstructionconstantfight againstinstitutionalinstructional
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