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Brief in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+45Posted:2016-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: concisecurtshortterseAntonym: longprolongedSimilar words: brieflyin briefgriefdie forthiefreliefbeliefchief of stateMeaning: [briːf]  n. 1. a document stating the facts and points of law of a client's case 2. a condensed written summary or abstract. v. give essential information to someone. adj. 1. of short duration or distance 2. concise and succinct 3. (of clothing) very short. 
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121 Several methods of producing potash fertilizer using potassium feldspar were introduced in brief.
122 Lorraine Justice , A Brief History of Interactivity: What is Next?
123 Hart Crane in a brief life ended by suicide, aimed higher - in some ways - than Marianne Moore.
124 The first part a brief account of the author Kate Chopin and her masterpiece The Awakening.
125 Can you give me a brief introduction to the lay - out of a baseball field?
126 There is a brief introduction column about the company on the homepage.
127 To exam applicability of brief MMPI for screening and job - placement in Chinese Armed Police Force.
128 The rookie made a brief appearance in the first period.
129 Will she fade after the brief blooming of a morning glory?
130 The paper brief talks the drinking water's mutagenesis from organic pollution.
131 Although in the brief life, you can also experience personally a lot of try meaningfully.
132 Interviewee : Could you give us a brief account of your series?
133 Brief style shows imperturbable, introverted and individual quality. It is much suitable and comfortable for body.
134 Brief figuring style, neat and spiffy prints in and fashionable narrow design show your modish feelings.
135 Please give these special interrogative form of a brief answer.
136 On the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment.
137 The necessity of establishing patent information system is given brief introduction.
138 Write a brief essay on how Foucault conceives this coupling.
139 Isomorphism, in brief ,( means two graphs possess identical topological structures.
140 A brief introduction of the English Attributive Clauses ( Relative CLauses )!
141 The article brief the origin of hexane and stress the method of industrial separation.
142 Product performance is laggard, dependability is poor, life is brief. Lack market competition ability.
143 To understand this, we must first take a brief look at the characteristics of the frustum.
144 After the brief ceremony there was a macabre wedding breakfast in the Fuehrer's private apartment.
145 Game brief introduction: The pirate of impersonation fearlessness, the detection enchant of the treasure hide!
146 Draw a flow diagram of the process employed, with brief description of the operating protocol.
147 This article has a brief review on Holocene climate changes in Mongolia.
148 She was still languid from her brief sleep and the exhilaration of the evening.
149 The same network also offered Kylie a brief part on another series called'skyways '.
150 I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.
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