(1) A tattler is worse than a

(2) Set a
thief to catch a thief.

(3) It takes a
thief to catch a thief.

(4) Procrastination is the
thief of time. Sentencedict.com

(5) A liar is worse than a

(6) The receiver is as bad as the

(7) Once a
thief, always a thief.

(8) A true man and a
thief think not the same.

(9) Save a
thief from gallows and he will help hang you.

(10) Opportunity makes the thief.
(11) The (or A) beggar may sing before the
thief (or footbad).

(12) Give a
thief rope enough and he will hang himself.

(13) A
thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.

(14) A
thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber.

(15) The thief gave me a boot in my stomach.
(16) The thief received a just punishment.
(17) The thief is wanted by the police.
(18) The police trailed the thief.
(19) The policeman took the thief by the wrist.
(20) The alarm frightened the thief away.
(21) The policeman caught the thief.
(22) The thief robbed me of my watch.
(23) The thief absconded with all the jewellery.
(24) The thief delivered her of her money.
(25) The running thief was headed off by the police.
(26) The thief slunk down the dark alley.
(27) The thief was sent to prison.
(28) Show me a liar, and I'll show you a

(29) Show me a liar, and I will show you a

(30) In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always thought as bad as the

(1) The thief gave me a boot in my stomach.
(2) The thief received a just punishment.
(3) The thief is wanted by the police.
(4) The police trailed the thief.
(5) The policeman took the thief by the wrist.
(6) The alarm frightened the thief away.
(7) The policeman caught the thief.
(8) The thief was sent to prison.
(9) The policeman seized the thief by the arm.
(10) The policeman arrested the thief on the spot.
(11) The thief used a false identity.
(12) The thief snatched her handbag and ran.
(13) The thief snatched her purse and ran.
(14) The thief must have entered by the rear door.
(15) The thief was put on probation for two years.
(16) He made an unsuccessful attempt to stop the thief.
(17) So, was he the thief?
(18) The policeman grasped the thief by the shoulder and swung him around.
(19) The judge sentenced the thief to five years in prison.
(20) The diamond thief double-crossed his partners and gave them only worthless fake jewels.
(21) The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.
(22) The thief had left an impression of his foot in the garden.
(23) The thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag.
(24) Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived.
(25) Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.
(26) The thief ran slap into a policeman.
(27) The thief masked his face with a stocking.
(28) The thief was perceived to steal into the house.
(29) His enemies labelled the boy a thief.
(30) At the end of the film, the man becomes a thief out of sheer desperation.