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Bridge over in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bridgeabridgeabridgeddrawbridgeridgefridgepartridgebe overMeaning: v. 1. suffice for a period between two points 2. connect or reduce the distance between. 
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1. This bridge over the river has a steel framework.
2. There's a wooden bridge over the river.
3. We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.
4. We shall have to bridge over the stream with these boards of wood.
5. We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush.
6. Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook.
7. The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.
8. The project could include a pedestrian bridge over Valley Parkway that would allow easy access to the arts center and City Hall.
9. Early the next morning they crossed a railway bridge over the Hantan River.
10. We cross the bridge over Route 46, and walk down a few more blocks.
11. The exchange of prisoners took place on a bridge over the Mekong river.
12. His nervously elegant hand made a shaking bridge over the tinted spectacles, adjusting them without need on the nose.
13. The wooden bridge over the river was destroyed but shortly afterwards was replaced by a similar structure.
14. They might make their own bridge over a very small stream or ditch and find out what will float underneath.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. In any event, it is certainly the oldest bridge over the Derwent.
16. There is a suspension bridge over the river.
17. There is no bridge over the chasm, dear friends.
18. Is the bridge over San Francisco Bay?
19. A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse.
20. There's a beautiful stone bridge over a rippling stream.
21. When you cross the dramatic bridge over the Apalachicola River from the east, time drops you back into the antebellum era.
22. He had received the commission to build a new bridge over the river.
23. The decision has not yet been made whether to tunnel under the river or build a bridge over it.
24. Serrell was given a contract to build a highway suspension bridge over the Niagara between Lewiston and Queenston.
25. I picked up my pack, slung it over my shoulder and crossed the little bridge over the burn.
26. Then they paved the parking lot and built a pedestrian bridge over the river upstream from the falls.
27. I sauntered along attractively named Wine Street, then came to a bridge over the rushing River Garavogue.
28. And what part did the cripple play who had sat like a malignant spirit guarding a make-shift bridge over an unimportant stream?
29. Plum blossom when breaking wind, wrapped in long lonely heart, after Chungui still choose to be annihilated, whether under the bridge over the snow?
30. The engineer had a bold plan to build a bridge over the English Channel.
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