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Lover in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+13 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: buffdevoteefanSimilar words: all overall over againall over the worldover and overloveglovefall in lovefall in love withMeaning: ['lʌvə(r)]  n. 1. a person who loves or is loved 2. an ardent follower and admirer 3. a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage. 
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(1) Beauty lies in lover’s eyes. 
(2) All the world loves a lover
(3) Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. 
(4) Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly. 
(5) Ever of lover, now the passers-by.
(6) She eloped with her lover last week.
(7) She was shot by her jilted lover.
(8) He killed his wife's lover.
(9) They say he used to be her lover.
(10) She ran away with her lover.
(11) He boasted of his prowess as a lover.
(12) You are my lifelong lover.
(13) He denied that he was her lover.
(14) Mr.Smith was a lover of poetry.
(15) She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.
(16) You are not my lover How to know my deep.
(17) Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child.
(18) The court heard how she and her lover hatched a plot to kill her husband.
(19) Is not joking and Meng Po was a lover. A pull the Qingsi of. A broken Red.
(20) He is her lover.
(21) The deep feeling and my lover can with very long time.
(22) Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space.
(23) He was a keen music lover .
(24) He is her lover; she is his mistress.
(25) The vital importance of love is to love all life without qualms(, without wisdom or religion uppermost in the mind of the lover.
(26) I love you like a god of plague and why I treat you like a lover.
(27) She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.
(28) She sat in the house day after day, pining for her lover.
(29) He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.
(30) I hear that our married neighbor has escaped to her lover.
More similar words: all overall over againall over the worldover and overloveglovefall in lovefall in love withovercovercovertgo overget overoveralloverseebe overgovernorhand overlay overpovertyrun overuncoverover thererecovercover upovercomeproverbblow overoverlookrecovery
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