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Blur in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+8Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clouddimsmearSimilar words: blurtblurt outlurelurkslurluridallurelurchMeaning: [blɜː]  n. a hazy or indistinct representation. v. 1. become glassy; lose clear vision 2. to make less distinct or clear 3. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred 4. make a smudge on; soil by smudging 5. make dim or indistinct 6. become vague or indistinct. 
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31. But the days flash by in a blur.
32. The soft blur of outline adds to this attraction.
33. These considerations tend to blur the distinction somewhat.
34. But it threatens to blur the institution's brand image.
35. My years at Sacred Heart, kindergarten through the middle of third grade, were a blur.
36. They bought the wine, then drove on, the time passing swiftly in a blur of easy laughter and pleasant conversation.
37. They do not blur the distinction between testation and intestacy, but they mitigate it.
38. I appeared twice like an ink blot on a folded sheet of paper: a passive[], meaningless blur.
39. I was introduced to all the staff and all the patients in a dizzying blur and answered question after question about Zephyr.
40. Size will evaporate in the course of the years, and new writing will blur and spread at the edges.
41. Sometimes there is hope, a streak of light, a blur on a piece of film.
42. Male flies have acute vision to stalk a potential mate to whom her suitor is a distant blur.
43. His patchy mongrel pants like an iris where shamrock fans forget to blur. Hot breath of August.
44. She could see nothing except a vivid scarlet blur, the colour of a London bus.
45. The bright one was moving in a silvery blur, and there were quite a few dark-furred heaps lying crumpled nearby.
46. He saw Raymo heaving open the car door, a stutter motion, each segment leaving a blur behind.
47. His novels tend to blur the distinctions between reality and fantasy.
48. It whirled by in a blur of faceless people and formless surroundings.
49. Mosley too became increasingly prone to blur the distinction between art, philosophy and life.
50. They are too intent on their game to notice the blur of his body running by.
51. His patchy mongrel pants like an iris where shamrock fans forget to blur.
51. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
52. Just withering thrash grooves that shoot past in a punch-drunk blur, leaving their peers way behind.
53. The day was a blur of hurried meetings and brief telephone calls.
54. Warwick's opening gambit is to blur the line between consciousness and intelligence.
55. It was a blur, his crying, just like when you go to a hospital to get stitches.
56. The rest of the day is a blur of photo shoots, speeches, interviews and endless briefings with his managers.
57. She felt the anguished tears of motherhood blur her vision and blinked them away.
58. Blue dusk began to blur shapes together, but the beige mackintosh was visible.
59. We are not content to leave the universe in a blur.
60. A quiet place, yet our nine days there were crowded, and whizzed by in a blur.
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