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Authentic in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+7Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: actualfactualgenuinelegitimaterealreliabletrueAntonym: falsefictitiousspuriousSimilar words: enticemententiceenticingidenticalapprenticeidentical twinapprenticeshipauthorMeaning: [ɔː'θentɪk]  adj. 1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief 2. not counterfeit or copied. 
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151. Besides the common frequency chart. Lorenz curve, and Theil index. the famous Pareto distribution and the lognormal distribution are the authentic proof methods as well.
152. I assure you the background of the novel is authentic to the last detail.
153. Assuming only authentic masseter muscle hypertrophy, you can get rid of the masseter muscle surgery.
154. You mentioned in your story he is seen by some as "authentic" and others as a purveyor of political theatrics.
155. Organic Rosemary Focaccia: farm - fresh rosemary, hand - kneaded the authentic way , long fermentation . Fresh sweet basil pesto.
156. Among these components, 17 of which were identified as benzene carboxylic acids and phenolic acids by using GC-MS analysis and by comparing with authentic compounds.
157. By the excellent sales of notebook products are authentic licensed, a formal invoice .
158. Hence, we can apply gene therapy to treat allergic rhinitis, this is an authentic exterminatory therapy we are seeking. It will be an important achievement of disease treatment in the new century.
159. From this arises the important conclusion that the real and authentic psyche is the unconscious, whereas the ego-consciousness can be regarded only as a temporary epiphenomenon.
160. Evoking the authentic feel of a vintage traveling holdall, the Josie bag is rendered in Italy from rugged tumbled leather and flowery etched hardware for a subtle Western feel.
161. This sales department of a dress company is an authentic - fashion metropolis.
162. The Quanzhen authentic rhyming is music used by Quanzhen School of Taoism.
163. In this way, you have an authentic entry point that resembles closely how you would expect your users to access the application that is composed of this core logic.
164. Jeffery usually has some authentic inside information of show business.
165. The Authentic comes with a black canvas upper and a tartan check lining.
166. Such as he had were of distinguished origin and authentic.
167. They are of authentic aulic taste, with Chinese dates on them, their material peas texture is pure, and taste thinner than common ones.
168. Here's a period piece with irresistible immediacy, a brilliant pairing of a monarch who's heroic by virtue of his personal struggle,[] and an uncommon commoner who helps him find his authentic voice.
169. Though an authentic political movement with a domestic agenda in Lebanon, it is also blatantly anti-Semitic.
170. The extensive menu features Greek favorites like Moussaka, Souvlaki, Avgolemono (chicken-lemon soup), and gyro platters as well as less authentic fare like pita pizza and chicken salad.
171. You can even dress in traditional Bedouin clothing to make your experience more authentic.
172. Includes: 1 pair of lens in authentic EXOVISTAbox, and lens replacement screwdriver.
173. When primary information provided during the registration application is acknowledged not to be authentic.
174. On the T3/B, an authentic Bigsby vibrato tailpiece is paired with a roller bridge for smooth functionality and an added dimension of sound.
175. There is no authentic lyricism without a grain of interior madness.
176. Across its manufacturing facilities The Authentic Foods Company produces a wide range of ethnic cuisine including Indian, Oriental, Tex Mex and Mediterranean.
177. Additionally design research focuses on more authentic dependent learning outcomes.
178. Dongxiang is an old authentic halal restaurants, interior decoration simple generosity, gives the feeling of pleasure.
179. Generally speaking, the jurists of Islam, based on an authentic hadith of the Prophet, agree that a Muslim's supererogatory prayer is best performed at home.
180. A shame so many get lured in, since authentic sites pertaining to WWII—Churchill's actual bunker and RAF Uxbridge's magnificently restored Battle of Britain Operations Room—are nearby.
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