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Authentic in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+7Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: actualfactualgenuinelegitimaterealreliabletrueAntonym: falsefictitiousspuriousSimilar words: enticemententiceenticingidenticalapprenticeidentical twinapprenticeshipauthorMeaning: [ɔː'θentɪk]  adj. 1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief 2. not counterfeit or copied. 
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121. Both texts are equally authentic.
122. The key though is staying true to yourself and refusing to veer from your most authentic path, no matter what the temptations.
123. Data will be authentic and unmodified, but will not be encrypted.
124. This report is from an undercover agent and it's authentic.
125. According to the authentic news , the grafter has been arrested.
126. Gunter Grass, the famous contemporary German writer, tells a magic story in his novel Blechtrommel in the view of Oscar[], a dwarf who is weird but authentic.
127. The information is authentic for it comes from an authoritative magazine.
128. Meanwhile, the amount of authentic materials used also influences the progress of the subjects in enjoyableness, motivation and their achievements.
129. Museums and galleries have an abundance of authentic paintings and works of art.
130. Love certainly is the authentic experience built on the perception of soul, such as unpremeditated lost.
131. Practice Aesthetics not only has modernity and is the authentic modern aesthetics, but as a project reflecting on modernity, it remains unaccomplished.
132. Firstly, by using objective optimization function of ANSYS, the authentic permeability coefficient of dam is deduced.
133. This year, each team has a list of roughly 30 authentic plays that 2K got right from the coaches with over 1,000 true-to-life plays overall.
134. Confessional literature is widely read as revelation of authentic experience of life and as mimesis of external reality.
135. So why not use those instead?' When cooking authentic Italian cuisine, though, can Chinese bok choy replace broccoli?
136. That breaking the new cryptosystem is equivalent to factoring a general large integer have been showed. A new digital signature scheme and a new authentic encryption scheme have been designed.
137. The authentic fine French restaurant La Rotisserie now offers its summer special: French Set Menu.
138. Every autograph we offer for sale comes with a lifetime guarantee that it is authentic.
138. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
139. Hetao Hami China Plain is one of the main producing areas, the Loop authentic color of honeydew melon, sweet taste, much loved at home and abroad customers.
140. In NANAK INDIAN RESTAURANT, you can taste the authentic Indian cuisines without the passport, visa and air ticket.
141. The reason that Huang chose Cooking a Dream was to exhibit to the world an authentic Chinese story at Le Festival d’Avignon.
142. This paper discusses how to make good group range variable number series with authentic statistics from a global viewpoint.
143. But the constitution which at any time exists till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people is sacredly obligatory upon all.
144. However, the anti-terrorism combat should have authentic evidence and right targets. Any random expansion of the targets or dual standard should be opposed to.
145. In addition, the students can play the main roles in the international business, and carry out holo- authentic simulation operation to each business link.
146. Read what you've writtenout loud to see if it sounds like real people having aconversation. This is adynamic way to learn how to write authentic dialogue.
147. It inherited the objective and authentic devoir of media in general. The extreme incline of "demonizing" and "deifying" some researchers concerned did not exist.
148. An American imam of the mosque, said the report findings "authentic" because he managed in recent years the number of religious school students line up.
149. She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners.
150. It boasts such authentic facilities as containers of organic grain, a water tube which guests can sip, and a double bed accessible only by a step ladder and a quick scramble on all fours.
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