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Authentic in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+7Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: actualfactualgenuinelegitimaterealreliabletrueAntonym: falsefictitiousspuriousSimilar words: enticemententiceenticingidenticalapprenticeidentical twinapprenticeshipauthorMeaning: [ɔː'θentɪk]  adj. 1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief 2. not counterfeit or copied. 
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91. An exception is the occasional use of the latter where authentic detail is more accessible.
92. The authentic Church is part of a Kingdom which is not on the way out, but on the way in.
93. Laing is still preoccupied with the authentic self, the repressed human essence.
94. That series of drawings shows that from 1906 the quality of authentic drawings by Modigliani is truly exceptional.
95. The builders are not using any nails in the construction, in an effort to build an authentic cultural centre.
96. In Nizan's theory of the revolutionary novel it is elevated to the status of necessary pre-condition of authentic writing practices.
97. If the two match, the message is accepted as authentic.
98. In 1870 he gave the first authentic account of amoebae from the human intestine.
99. Authentic Cajun cuisine awaits you -- served in a small, intimate dining room featuring slow-moving fans overhead.
100. From their perspective, schools are repositories of the authentic national culture which they transmit between generations.
101. And the creamy yellow hue is actually more authentic than the black and white houses around it.
102. That collection by itself was more important than all the authentic Modigliani drawings published during my father's life-time.
103. Authentic printed labels were correctly reproduced by photography and the bottles filled with the corresponding vintages.
104. I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party, and I want him to be heard.
105. Only the people perceived him for what he was-the occupant of the authentic center.
106. Our programme is of authentic and arranged songs, harmonized by composers.
107. There are many other aspects and dimensions of vision for it is one of the authentic senses of men.
108. More authentic religious inspirations would challenge this schizoid and solipsistic stance.
108. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
109. This particular setting is very authentic and the cadets have had only the company of sheep during their enthusiastic quest for insurgents.
110. This loco will be almost fully authentic, only differing where it is necessary to conform to modern safety practices.
111. This delight of no thought is an authentic world of a new dimension.
112. Although sparsely populated, the country offers foreign travelers everything from historical monuments and castles to authentic saunas and high-tech industry.
113. Role play exercises based on authentic information-gap situations requiring spontaneous reaction.
114. He wanted an authentic accent of Lincoln.
115. Western diplomats confirmed that annexe was authentic.
116. Are you an Authentic Evangelical Christian?
117. The English appetite for authentic Americanism was fed.
118. Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal.
119. This is an authentic news report.
120. Korean Wonders : Pampering you with authentic Korean cuisines.
More similar words: enticemententiceenticingidenticalapprenticeidentical twinapprenticeshipauthorauthorityauthorizeauthoritiesauthorizationauthoritarianauthoritativesentimentalautomaticsententiouslysentimentautocraticautomaticallyfranticatlanticromanticpedanticgiganticsemanticsantisepticfranticallyanticipateantibiotic
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