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Astonishing in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+7Posted:2016-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: amazingastoundingstaggeringstupefyingSimilar words: astonishastonishedastonishmentfishingadmonishneoplatonismburst out laughingliving thingMeaning: [-ʃɪŋ]  adj. 1. surprising greatly 2. so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. 
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61. This astonishing diversity manifested itself in great complexity of relationships and in our lacking dominance almost everywhere.
62. Unhindered by the country's lax competition rules, they built up complex webs of cross-shareholdings across an astonishing array of businesses.
63. Their defense played superbly, but they still showed an astonishing penchant for careless mistakes.
64. A column of smoke and fire shot up above the horizon with astonishing violence.
65. It is the most extraordinary story, of a life marked by astonishing luck, both bad and good.
66. It is quite astonishing in view of Handel's vast output quite what a consistent and imaginative composer he was.
67. At this moment the snake strikes, flinging its neck towards its victim at the astonishing speed of 8 feet per second.
68. Mr ferguson has won an astonishing one league championship in only his seven years at Old Trafford.
69. So astonishing are the anecdotes, so bizarre the characters, that eventually the reader has to suspend a truckload of disbelief.
70. This week, an astonishing 86 % of voters rejected the package despite a full-court press by the political establishment.
71. Stripped to their essentials his facts and figures are astonishing.
72. It was, he said, an offence of quite astonishing incompetence.
73. The net result was rising crime and falling detection rates - an astonishing pattern in our sensible and law-abiding community.
74. One of the perennial streams that sometime rises to astonishing heights of activity is the Leonid shower.
74. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
75. It was not an astonishing one, in the context of a small-time drugs network.
76. What is even more astonishing is that you can see the Wellestream more easily with every passing year.
77. They were beginning to achieve astonishing economic success; and only their children would acquire a certain polish.
78. Now, within a few days, the shape of their bodies changes with astonishing speed.
79. It has been an astonishing transformation in opinions and attitudes, within the course of a few short weeks.
80. Now utterly hypnotized, the man-apes could only stare slack-jawed into this astonishing display of pyrotechnics.
81. Illmensee and Hoppe concluded their astonishing report in Cell with recommendations for further research.
82. We spent an astonishing amount of money in town today.
83. But it demonstrates something much more astonishing: that in a sense all matter is illusion!
84. The problem lies in how to account for this, to the Western observer, astonishing phenomenon.
85. The traders performed astonishing feats of gluttony never before seen at Salomon.
86. Dreyer's climb to power in city government has been astonishing.
87. His astonishing attack followed Saturday's 3-0 home defeat by Oxford United.
88. I need to write another book to tell you about some of the astonishing ways in which skills can be redirected.
89. What all these tropical forests have in common, however, is their astonishing biological diversity.
90. In the first stable, off the bay, was an astonishing display of unrelated bric-a-brac.
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