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Astonishing in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+7Posted:2016-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: amazingastoundingstaggeringstupefyingSimilar words: astonishastonishedastonishmentfishingadmonishneoplatonismburst out laughingliving thingMeaning: [-ʃɪŋ]  adj. 1. surprising greatly 2. so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. 
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91. This draconian measure is something that, in a consultation exercise, was supported by an astonishing 94 % of respondents.
92. Extra miles, extensive preparation and exhaustive efforts usually show astonishing results. Dr Roopleen 
93. The fact that Enya does not write her own lyrics is sometimes astonishing.
94. One moment of astonishing creativity in the dying seconds on Saturday transported him to the centre of Arsenal's universe.
95. An even more interesting development is the astonishing advance made by Guscott's kicking.
96. They are called: horrible blunders, astonishing lapses, incomprehensible oversights, gross miscalculations, and the like.
97. What emerged from this astonishing machine was Eric, wearing a wonderful sheepskin coat and boots.
98. M Lionel Jospin, former Minister of Education, said that it was an astonishing rewrite of history.
99. That we made it through Taos without being apprehended seems astonishing.
100. With astonishing speed prime spots in streets known for fashionable shopping before the second world war are being snapped up.
101. These statements are all true and there have been astonishing changes of government policy in a remarkably short period.
102. Word of the feud arrived in Britain with astonishing speed.
103. Middlesex have twice had to carpet Ramprakash this season after astonishing flare-ups and another incident went unpunished.
104. Perhaps the most astonishing changes of all occur for the average changes for Shire Districts within each County.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
105. The use of IT in areas such as accounting and finance has grown at an astonishing rate.
106. To actually see crabs scuttling across the floor and live sponges and even real live fish was astonishing.
107. Yet in many urban gay male settings, life is segregated by age to an almost astonishing degree.
108. However, the real story of Le Pin is even more extraordinary than the astonishing prices.
109. The atmosphere of grey repression that clung to the eastern side of the city is being purged at an astonishing speed.
110. The building of the now leaking sarcophagus alone cost an astonishing amount of money, on the best estimate available.
111. It is astonishing that it should have preserved its character so well when it is close to Zurich.
112. Seeing a great performer dancing true to her native style is part of Altynai Asylnuratova's astonishing impact in La Bayadere.
113. This is an astonishing output from a single individual if detailed concentrated effort was put into all of them.
114. When we look at this time, and its astonishing record of non-violence, we find ourselves asking several questions.
115. The really astonishing thing is how fiction and reality can blur.
116. Membership grew at an astonishing pace, reaching close to 30,000 in the late 1970s.
117. I am still left aghast at the astonishing numbers of totally incompatible cichlids that are sometimes crammed into remarkably small tanks.
118. It was an astonishing piece of planning, especially as the Friday, being Good Friday, was the rest day.
119. But what is still more astonishing is that what goes for individuals goes for governments too.
120. On a hike with my new friend Lydia Kowalski, we made two astonishing discoveries.
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