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Antibiotics in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+11 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: antibioticbioticabioticsymbioticmacrobioticmacrobiotic dietanticssemantics
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1. The doctor put her on a course of antibiotics.
2. Antibiotics is effective to cure throat infection.
3. Antibiotics are only available on prescription.
4. The best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.
5. I'm taking antibiotics for a throat infection.
6. The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.
7. He's hexed to discover the antibiotics.
8. Antibiotics will reduce the swelling.
9. She's on complete bed rest, antibiotics and plenty of fluids.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. We must be injected with antibiotics for our protection.
11. The doctor wrote her a prescription for more antibiotics.
12. It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.
13. This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.
14. The antibiotics should clear up the infection.
15. She gave him a prescription for antibiotics.
16. Did you remember to take your antibiotics?
17. Antibiotics were of no use(, neither were other pharmaceuticals.
18. The only sure treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.
19. Are you still on antibiotics?
20. We can treat this condition quite successfully with antibiotics.
21. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.
22. The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis.
23. Antibiotics should be used to clear up the infection.
24. My doctor's put me on a course of antibiotics.
25. He's on antibiotics for an ear infection.
26. Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.
27. Children take antibiotics in liquid form .
28. Antibiotics should kill off the bacteria.
29. The doctor put her on antibiotics .
30. Simple antibiotics are effective against this organism.
More similar words: antibioticbioticabioticsymbioticmacrobioticmacrobiotic dietanticssemanticsidioticpatrioticantibodyantibacterialanticfranticatlanticromanticgiganticpedanticantisepticfranticallyanticipateanticlimaxanticipatedinfanticideantitheticalromanticismanticipatoryanticipationanticlockwisetransatlantic
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