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Adaptation in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+3Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adaptionadjustmentversionSimilar words: adaptableadaptadapt toadaptiveproportional representationdegradationcaptivationstationMeaning: [‚ædæp'teɪʃn]  n. 1. a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form 2. the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) 3. (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light). 
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91. Similarly, adaptation to very high intakes requires several days and ample urine flow.
92. The concept of adaptation has major implications for educational practice and will be discussed further.
93. However, their history, from the first appointments in 1839, has been one of constant change and adaptation.
94. Furthermore, each adaptation is supposedly transmitted from one generation to the next by genetic means alone.
95. Piaget identifies two fundamental aspects or modes of adaptation: accommodation and assimilation.
96. If a person continually inhales odorous air, fatigue sets in, due to the adaptation of the nervous responses to the stimuli.
97. Some couples who do not seem to be close previously may move closer together as they work through the process of adaptation.
98. He can't have known how Friend slid in to change my adaptation!
99. Comprehensive home and job site evaluations with adaptation recommendations.
100. This natural biological process is called adaptation.
101. He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
102. Underclass is produced by the failure of adaptation.
103. Scotish adaptation was made about a century later.
104. Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask.
105. The adaptation to the other components is straightforward.
106. Spike Frequency Adaptation and Negative Feedback Linearization.
107. This process is known as adaptation.
108. Part three,[]( introduces the adaptation theory framework.
109. However, cultural over - adaptation can be avoided or limited by the strategies of foreignizing and annotating.
110. According to their adaptation to salt supplemented in media, these microbes are divided into halophilic and halotolerant groups.
111. To apply engineering Methods : To the study of astronaut adaptation to weightlessness.
112. Martin Freeman will play the role of Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming two-part screen adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkein's The Hobbit, according to casting information released Friday.
113. Pseudo Adaptation Data (PAD) method was proposed for decreasing the degree of multicollinearity.
114. Introduce the functional anatomy and ultrastructure of insects, with emphasis on adaptation and evolutionary significance.
115. Even though some adaptation strategies may result in cost savings for some countries, but the incremental costs of adaptation strategies could result in a serious burden for developing countries.
116. The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism.
117. This delayed exposure adjustment is referred to as light adaptation, and can be simulated in a real-time application.
118. The fruits or persistent pericarps of breeding seedlings during the viviparous developing were rich in the salt and this may do favorable to adaptation of seedlings to highly saline environment.
119. Possible next steps under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.
120. The health resources refer to the total factors and conditions that can promote the intactness of a person's physiology, mental state and adaptation to society.
More similar words: adaptableadaptadapt toadaptiveproportional representationdegradationcaptivationstationmutationincantationstationerygestationannotationvegetationdictationagitationdenotationinvitationlimitationhabitationstationarylevitationplantationhesitationconnotationexultationsanitationexhortationaffectationlamentation
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