Similar words: cramp, swamped, ramp, impede, bumped, hamper, tamper, dampen. Meaning: [-pt] adj. constricted in size.
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1, The kitchen was small and cramped.
2, He cooked for himself in the cramped kitchen.
3, She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
4, Our accommodation is rather cramped.
5, We're a bit cramped for space in this attic.
6, All these things cramped his progress.
7, Lack of money cramped our efforts.
8, All these difficulties cramped his progress.
9, Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles.
10, The animals were kept in cramped and unhygienic conditions.
11, I feel cramped by the limitations of my job.
12, There are hundreds of families living in cramped conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.
13, The troops slept in cramped conditions with up to 20 in a single room.
14, He cramped in the last 200 metres of the race.
15, He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates.
16, The cramped living conditions severely restricted the children's freedom to play.
17, The house was terribly small and cramped,( but the agent described it as a bijou residence.
18, The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped and noisy apartment.
19, They worked from cramped offices near the main station.
20, Five workers were packed into a cramped office.
21, I see people in very cramped conditions.
22, It was bare, cramped and impersonal.
23, Afoot, she was edgy, cramped, accident prone.
24, I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
25, Frankie shifted his position so that his knees would not become cramped.
26, You must realize that it is arrogance that has cramped your progress.
27, Meeting you before the end of the month will be difficult, because I have a very cramped schedule until then.
28, The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
29, We have six desks in this room, so we're rather cramped .
30, She didn't want me to go with her to the party in case I cramped her style.
More similar words: cramp, swamped, ramp, impede, bumped, hamper, tamper, dampen, trample, rampage, rampant, crammed, impediment, trampoline, run rampant, scramble, cramming, impedimenta, unscramble, sacramental, temperamental, tapped, pedant, peddle, damp, camp, lamp, stepped, pedantry, pipe down.