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Waist in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+29Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: shankwaistlineSimilar words: raiseaislewaitawaitwait forwait onawaitingfistMeaning: [weɪst]  n. 1. the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips 2. the narrow part of the shoe connecting the heel and the wide part of the sole. 
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(151) The thin coat, too thin surely for a night in early November, was pulled waist high.
(152) His legs were impaled with a thousand needles of pine and hemlock; hemlock cones and crabapple were strapped to his waist.
(153) When insulted, they stripped to the waist, put on hideous driftwood masks and sang nasty songs at each other.
(154) The way her blouse creased from the waist down, having been tucked in all day.
(155) She had tinted blond hair, large glasses, a blue dress cinched at the waist by a wide glossy belt.
(156) It consisted of the straight robe mentioned above, with an elaborate flounced and layered over-skirt tied on at the waist.
(157) She defined the waist with a wide black leather belt, studded with silver.
(158) A back opening fastens with buttons and a wide sash ties at the waist.
(159) As the day wore on the men stripped to the waist in the burning sun.
(159) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(160) Her clothing had been ripped away to the waist in the horrific attack, said police spokesman Shlomo Ben Hemo.
(161) Deliberately, Madeleine had selected a dress to wear which buttoned down the front to the waist.
(162) The long black beads at her waist rattled against the desk as she sat in the chair next to his.
(163) The men have these huge leaps, and the women are very expressive above the waist.
(164) I see nothing wrong with clasping them above the waist.
(165) Sitting with legs apart, stretch up, then twist at the waist and lower the hands and body towards one leg.
(166) As soon as the water was waist high, she stood and walked to the side near to the female showers.
(167) At its deepest I reckoned the water might be waist high.
(168) His neck and shoulders gradually became so stiff that he had to turn in one piece from the waist up.
(169) My ensemble fit beautifully, except for the thick leather waist belt that threatened to fall off.
(170) Her floor-length ice-blue satin dress was sleeveless and had a drop waist.
(171) They have an elasticated waist and three pockets and a cotton inner lining.
(172) To avoid loss, carry the cash in a hidden neck or waist pouch.
(173) It is over my ankles and outside in some places it is waist high.
(174) Studying you, I note your limpid gaze, felicitous expression your dazzling waist.
(175) She had long blonde hair that went down to her waist.
(176) She had lost 8 inches off her waist and a staggering 10 inches off her hips over a period of seven months.
(177) Another interesting factor was that not only did hips and thighs diminish but waist measurements reduced amazingly too.
(178) Turning he undid the buttons of her coat and ran his hands inside and around her waist.
(179) The men and women who wear this garment are naked above the waist.
(180) A wooden rail at waist height barred their way; they must be very close to the edge of the cliff.
More similar words: raiseaislewaitawaitwait forwait onawaitingfistlistwristtwistsubsistresistassistpersisthistorypistoltouristinsistlistendistantdisturbdistincttherapistministryconsisthistorichistorianexistingartistic
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