Synonym: alive, animate, essential, fundamental, important, living, necessary, needed, required. Similar words: vitamin, invitation, inevitably, inevitable, capital, digital, Italian, hospital. Meaning: ['vaɪtl] adj. 1. urgently needed; absolutely necessary 2. performing an essential function in the living body 3. full of spirit 4. manifesting or characteristic of life.
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181. The Hercules carried out vital wartime duties in the Falklands and the Gulf.
182. It is of vital importance that you should carry on with your jobs.
183. Speed, as I said in Chapter 5, is absolutely vital.
184. Newt Gingrich broke a vital trust when he forced the partial government shutdown for three weeks over Christmas of 1995.
185. Water Supply - and the many varied uses A guaranteed supply of water is vital for the canal system.
186. Our trusty electric breaker was called for, and ear defenders were handed out - they were absolutely vital!
187. John Head says it is vital the money is found to help other cancer sufferers.
188. No one amends lightly something as vital as a blueprint.
189. Information is vital Good information is essential if people are to make informed choices about services.
190. So breeding in captivity is vital to ensure the species survival.
191. Preparation and follow-up To get full value from a visit, adequate preparation and follow-up are vital.
192. They each need other but some are absolutely vital to a successful production.
193. Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed. Corita Kent
194. Farmers' activities, which are the backbone of the rural economy, are vital to the survival of whole communities.
195. Large doses can result in blockages in blood supply to vital organs and breathing problems.
196. That's the vital element[], and whilst it remains the human body can survive the most amazing injuries.
197. They form a vital component of our defences against chemical attack from trace compounds found largely in our diet.
198. The vital ingredient of popular appeal was not there despite several bids to rejig the story.
199. So if you dash to work unfed, you're more likely to forget that vital mid-morning phone call or dental appointment.
200. The breeding tank Without doubt the water the brood fish are placed in is a vital factor in obtaining a spawning.
201. The former federal agent betrayed his country and gave away vital military secrets.
202. Sometimes genuine letters are offered without the vital signature, some rabid autograph hunter having removed it at some period.
203. It is absolutely vital to the sales of a popular car, a hi-fi radio, a camera or an evening dress.
204. Experts are now being called out to check this tress vital statistics, and establish it officially as a record breaker.
205. Obviously this was not conclusive, L A is a pretty vital business centre, you would expect millionaires to congregate there.
206. CollaborativeNetworking internal jobs can make so much economic sense that sometimes vital functions are outsourced to competitors, to mutual benefit.
207. Vital, postindustrial paradigms are hidden in every jungly ant hill.
208. We also found a whole batch of papers which we thought might be vital to the war effort.
209. Now the vital laser needed to treat children with disfiguring birthmarks is already installed at the Ulster Hospital at Dundonald.
210. I've broadened my football knowledge and it's been a vital part of my education in the game.
More similar words: vitamin, invitation, inevitably, inevitable, capital, digital, Italian, hospital, levity, gravity, activity, sensitivity, productivity, capita, guitar, heritage, habitat, suitable, military, hesitate, at all, tale, talk, metal, fatal, militarism, limitation, facilitate, totally, rental.