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Radiate in a sentence

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Sentence count:96+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beamdiversifyglowrayshineSimilar words: irradiateradiationradiantradianceeradicatemediateimmediaterepudiateMeaning: ['reɪdɪeɪt]  v. 1. send out rays or waves 2. send out real or metaphoric rays 3. extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center 4. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink 5. cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays 6. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion 7. issue or emerge in rays or waves 8. spread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate. 
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1, May our golden youth radiate indelible light. Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination!
2, Dangerous emissions radiate from plutonium.
3, Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch.
4, Five roads radiate from the square.
5, Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
6, Stoves are meant to radiate heat.
7, Five roads radiate from this roundabout.
8, Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals.
9, All the roads radiate from the center of the town.
10, Just before the breeding season, these birds radiate outwards to warmer climates.
11, But they radiate a splendid messianic heat.
12, A timeless red glow seemed to radiate all around.
13, The sun seemed to radiate energy into my body.
14, Fields of light radiate from the surrounding darkness.
15, Between the chapels radiate the forests of flying buttresses.
16, Her skin was already beginning to radiate an answering heat,[] and the familiar flames started to lick along her nerve-ends.
17, Leadership and confidence radiate from her in a forthright and direct manner.
18, There is an energy that seems to radiate from her.
19, What incorporate does computer radiate have to cutaneous harm?
20, The corridor walls are covered in photographs; barrel-bellied women with scrunched-up faces strain to deliver(, post-birth beatific smiles radiate satisfaction.
21, Passing this liquid through pipes in the radiator allowed it to radiate energy into the cold of space.
22, Their happiness was palpable; like the pulsing shimmer of a hummingbird, it seemed to radiate the very air.
23, Butaccording to the classical electromagnetic theory presupposed by Bohr's theory, orbiting electrons should radiate.
24, This is the reason we can have solid bodies that do not collapse to a point or radiate away to infinity.
25, She gave off the peculiar strength of presence that unhappy women sometimes radiate.
26, Is the pain localized to the neck or does it radiate to shoulder, arm, or hand?
27, His eyes are a violet-blue, the color of ground morning glories, and they radiate intelligence.
28, Sitting on the ground in a semicircle for their first lesson, their faces radiate interest, hope and curiosity.
29, The Ahaggar massif was apparently one of the chief watersheds, for enormous wadis radiate from it in all directions.
30, As though the very lamps in the gleaming candelabra were powered by the electricity that seemed to radiate from his skin.
More similar words: irradiateradiationradiantradianceeradicatemediateimmediaterepudiaterepudiatedimmediatelyintermediateradishradicaltradinggradingCanadianparadigmradicallysporadictraditionradicalizecontradictsporadicallytraditionalmasqueradingextraditioneradicationradioactivediatribetraditionally
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