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Unitary in a sentence

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Sentence count:147Posted:2016-12-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unitary systemmilitaryunituniteunityguitarpunitiveimpunityMeaning: ['juːnɪtərɪ]  adj. 1. relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity 2. of or pertaining to or involving the use of units 3. characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority 4. having the indivisible character of a unit. 
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31. Arbiter theorists also recognize that liberal democratic states vary greatly in their internal organization between federal and unitary forms.
32. Both authors' work has been combined into a unitary whole.
33. The approach also assumes. without showing what it is, that monopoly capital has a single and unitary purpose and goal.
34. Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.
35. This supports the presence of distinct primary and secondary memory stores rather than a unitary system.
36. A unitary method was applied.
37. Arising unitary compete according to scientific market way.
38. Time reversal T is not unitary.
39. China is a unitary multinational country.
40. The least unitary looking contraction operator is 0.
41. Besides(, It'suggests that Afghanistan cannot be a unitary state.
42. The construction of unitary matrixes for quantum computation by means of red and blue detuning transitions in an ion trap is first discussed.
43. He viewed mind as an organized , unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas.
44. The unitary system under central government, established by the British colonialists in the 19th century, sowed the seeds of racial conflict in that country.
45. International experience shows that to achieve the dual economy the central issue of the unitary transformation is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.
46. Many studies of catalysts for hydrogenation of natural oils have been made, in which Cu-Ni bibasic catalyst and Ni unitary catalyst are the two mainstreams.
46. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47. The ground state energies of a strong coupling and weak coupling surface magnetopolaron are obtained by the method of a linear combination operator and a simple unitary transformation.
48. It should explore business operation mode for safe landfill site of hazardous waste, such as unitary operation mode, integrated operation mode and backing on great enterprise operation mode.
49. We introduce some important matrices and their applications in quantum computation and quantum information, including density matrix, unitary matrix, etc.
50. Is trusts alien to the conception of unitary ownership in civil law?
51. However, from the propagation mode, Anhui medias are more unitary, the website has not played the proper role.
52. Last, the relationship between coding rate and the distortion of video are reflected throught the testing pictures after unitary system testing.
53. A non - unitary non - coherent space - time code is proposed based on full diversity quasi - orthogonal space - time block code.
54. Not definite modelling and succinct harmonious colour have also presented serious, gentle frame under unitary light.
55. By introducing an additional qubit and performing CNOT operation as well as appropriate unitary transformation, the three-particle entangled state can be teleported probabilistically .
56. This paper is a study on the invertibility of the commutator of scalar-idempotent elements and scalar-involutory elements of a unitary ring.
57. China"s peasant population cardinal number big, China"s industrialization advancement is unitary, causes to solve the fanner to be unemployed the question difficulty to enlarge.
58. Secondly, plainly introduce the design means of the unitary system and the software system.
59. The relations of the ground state energy with the coefficient of dispersion, strength and magnetic field strength are derived by using linear-combination operator and unitary transformation method.
60. Diamond unitary drills: Use for drilling hard and brickle material as glass, ceramics etc. Dia 4 - 200 mm.
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