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Percussion in a sentence

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Sentence count:118+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: percussion sectionpleximetryrhythm sectionSimilar words: repercussiondiscussionconcussioncessionmissionpassionsessionemissionMeaning: [pər'kʌʃn /pə'-]  n. 1. the act of playing a percussion instrument 2. the act of exploding a percussion cap 3. the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments 4. tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes. 
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1. The track features Joey Langton on percussion .
2. Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments.
3. Tonight we have Paul Duke on percussion .
4. African percussion and Native American flute round out the show.
5. He bashed about on percussion instruments.
6. They create a musical universe dominated by multiple percussion and underpinned by Mazinho Lima s tirelessly inventive bass guitar.
7. There are similar problems with percussion in the latter stages of the Bernstein.
8. His first distinctive works were for percussion instruments or pianos prepared with nuts and bolts inserted between the strings.
9. Inevitably, composers have been quick to exploit percussion possibilities, and if anything we have suffered a period of over-use.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Making music: A percussion and music workshop for children takes place at Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall tomorrow at 11.15am.
11. Instead the class used percussion music to convey the clash between the two armies.
12. So we must warn that percussion can easily be overworked and become tiresome.
13. Percussion Like brass instruments, percussion is best used sparingly and occasionally.
14. That was when they began to throw percussion grenades into the crowd.
15. As the Wolverines sashayed closer(, the percussion concert of battle to the north became more insistent.
16. A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.
17. A second handle is a very worthwhile extra with a percussion drill, allowing greater control of the drill bit.
18. His resourcefulness and range of sound from an orthodox conga set and assorted percussion props is breathtaking.
19. The rest of the instrumentation comprises trumpet, drums and percussion.
20. They provided six of the centre's elephants, aged seven to 18, with a variety of percussion and wind instruments.
21. However, it drills three times as fast with only one third of the effort required with a normal percussion drill.
22. But this time there was only a disappointing click; not even the percussion cap fired.
23. He's using a lot of natural sounds - kitchen percussion, crowd voices ... all sorts of new devices ....
24. The bass, taught and heavy, resonates with the artful, snazzy percussion.
25. She was pictured on the album, though, and is credited on the reissue with some vocals and percussion.
26. A constant clash and tinkle came from the kitchens across the courtyard, like the percussion section of an orchestra from hell.
27. He was a dynamic band leader and charismatic front man who sang and played saxophone, keyboard and percussion.
28. He is the principal member of his ensemble, the shifting ocean of percussion on which his instrumental group rides.
29. It is best therefore to err on the quiet side and to use percussion sparingly rather than to excess.
30. When he was an undergraduate at the Manhattan School of Music, he began as a percussion major.
More similar words: repercussiondiscussionconcussioncessionmissionpassionsessionemissionpermissionsecessionadmissionrecessioncommissionprofessionaggressioncompressionconcessiondepressionsuppressionconfessionmissionaryimpressionexpressioncommissioneroppressionreadmissionprofessionaltransmissioncongressionaltransgression
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